Having a Home in the Bitter Cold Chicago Winters means Weather Proofing our Home. This past weekend my husband sealed all the windows with tape and plastic because even with the storm windows it helps to keep out the drafts. He tinkered with the water heater and the humidity in the central air this morning before work. This weekend we will tackle the doors and the outside pipes.

Simple DIY Home Repairs For the Winter
Before winter fully sets in, it’s important to make sure your home is ready. Some of the home repairs you can do yourself without spending money on an expert. You can prepare your windows, doors, pipes, faucets, water heater and many other parts of your home without any help. Below you will find some easy home repairs you can do before it starts to get too cold outside:
Preparing your Windows
Before you actually prepare your windows for winter, you need to do a deep cleaning of the frame, windowsill and actual glass. Without a full cleaning, you could end up with leaks or drafts. After cleaning the windows, you want to install storm windows. You may need some supplies, including different types of tape offered by iTapeStore.com. This will make the job a little easier.
Once the storm windows are installed, you to check for any visual defects, including cracks and holes around the frame. Fill any holes with putty or caulk and also check for any dried out caulk or putty, which needs replaced. It’s also important to make sure the weather stripping is properly in place and not dried out. Finally, make sure to remove the screens, so they don’t become damages through the winter.
Winterize Doors
Outside doors can also be prepared for winter without professional help. Start by checking weather stripping on the doors. If it’s falling off or brittle, you need to replace the weather stripping first. You should also check the caulking and remove and replace it, if necessary. These are the two major elements of winterizing our outside doors.
Protecting Faucets and Pipes
One of the most important things you can do in the fall to protect your home involves your water supply. Outsides faucets need to be shut off and drained before your area sees temperatures below freezing. (Check the outdoor faucet reviews here on myhomeneedz if you need any). If they are exposed to the elements, you should insulate the faucets to protect them throughout the cold. Use foam rubber sleeves or fiberglass insulation for pipes and faucets outside. In addition, make sure to use special heating strips for any pipes or faucets not in a heated area of your home. This helps to keep these pipes from freezing.

Preparing your Water Heater
There’s nothing worse than waking up to take a hot shower only to find out you can’t. Protecting your water heater for the winter is very easy. Simply open and close any shutoff valves a few times to help prevent seizing. You should also drain the sediment from your water heaters. This is done by shutting off the water supply to it, attaching a garden hose to the drain vale and opening the valve. Let water flow until only clean water comes out.
With these tips, you can prepare your home for winter. You don’t need to hire any type of expert to handle these tasks. By doing them yourself, you will save money and your house will be ready for the cold weather.
You might like to read 5 Tips for Staying Warm in Your Home This Winter
Trisha V
We live where we get over 20 ft. of snow a winter. Very cold. I usually just stay warm inside! Trisha
I start praying for a very mild winter. I hate the cold and I hate the snow, so don’t want either one.
we get the cars ready with their kits
msboatgal at aol.com
In socal our winters are not very harsh. SO I just put away my summer clothes and bring out the flannel sheets, extra blankets and a mini-heater (if I need it at all…)
samantha w
We live in an older house so we put plastic over our windows to keep hold the heat in. We also have a kit in the car just incase something were to happen while we our out
Linda Meyers-Gabbard
We live in a rented draft 45year old Mobile home that probably has no insulation left in the walls. there are no storm windows (I guess they all got broke over the years) we have plastic over the windows and we put sheets and blankets up over the plastic.
Danielle Porter
I live in Florida! We break out anything that’s not shorts or a tank top to prep for winter weather. ;-P
Kate Fuller
I make sure my car is stocked with de-icer, scrapers, and blankets.
I live in a little apartment now so there isn’t much to prepare for but when I lived in the country it meant a lot of wood stacking!
Samii Alexxis
We just had a huge snowstorm yesterday here in Minnesota. Thanks for the tips – maybe it will help because it was really cold here yesterday, probably will be a rough winter.
it not winter here yet but i have the window and then then the insulation ws done over 3 year ago and then i would like snow
Kylie Carlson
This fall we downsized to a 29 foot 5th wheel so winterizing has been really different this year! We put up skirting to insulate the floor and tanks. I made insulated curtains for the windows and vents (with super cute fabrics!). I’m sure we’ll be doing more as we figure this trailer thing out!
carren larsen
My craziest winter story goes all the way back to 1967 and a blizzard in Chicago. Stopped the city dead for a week. My Grandmother lived in a basement apartment a few blocks from us. We got a phone call that she was snowed in. The entry to her apt. had 5 ft of snow blocking it. Never saw a drift that size before. Took hours to dig her out.
Kenda Stoltz
Living in the Willamette Valley in Oregon I don’t get to see much more than gray days and rain. Which is kind of sad for me because I LOVE snow, good storms, and all the things that I don’t get here. lol However, winterization isn’t too bad here. Mostly, for my home, it requires blankets up in all the doorways, thick blankets up over the windows (I rent and the insulation, windows, and doors really suck). I just try to cover up all the areas where drafts come through, and my warm air (ceiling heat of all things) goes out. Wish I could do something about all the heat that goes out through the roof though!!
Nikkie Cossairt
To prepare for Winter we have to get fire wood cut and hauled in.
Holly Lynn
We cover our windows with anything we can find in hopes to get plastic coverings. Right now sheets are the number one barrier over our blinds
Nomi G
The worst winter we had was when we got ice instead of snow and the ice storm broke broke so many trees and electric lines that the electricity was off for 14 days at my house. Luckily it was so cold I put my food outside so it would stay cold. I had gas heat and gas stove so I could cook and take a shower. So I went to work and put on my makeup. It was cool for the first few days, but then it got really boring pitch black for 14 days. The ONLY light around my house was my neighbor’s lamppost which was gas I guess because there was a tiny yellow light. Otherwise it was pitch black. I’m just glad it happened in 1994 instead of 1995 because that’s when my daughter was born and can you imagine a newborn baby and no electricity for 14 days? That’s my worst winter story.
Diana Stanhope
We usually put plastic over the windows and make sure to caulk any new gaps in the siding. This old farmhouse can get so drafty.
vickie marks allbright
i dont really prepare but i do love opening the windows and letting the cool fresh air come in