Today is Something on a Stick Day! This means lots of fun for little ones. All you need is an inexpensive bag of Bamboo Skewers (found at most any food store) and you can kabob (almost) everything you eat today! Kids LOVE this playing with food fun. You know that I think that kids should not have sugary treats every day, but if you want to make a sweet treat to Celebrate today, this is a fun foodtivity that most ages can manage with minimal help!
First you make the rice krispy treats using the hot stove. Add any color.
Once the treats are cool enough to handle, let your child roll them into bite sized balls. TIP: the smaller the better so that they are not too heavy to stay on the sticks. While the kids are doing this you can melt the chocolate or candy coating.
Have your child push the skewer carefully into the rice ball and return to the wax paper.
Help children dip the rice balls in the chocolate or candy so they are not near the heat and at risk for burns.
Let your child roll their ball in sprinkles!
Put them back on the wax paper to harden. Then ENJOY! We put some floral foam in a little flower pot to display the ones we didn’t eat. You can also store them in a ziplock bag or tupperware.
What are you and your child going to try and eat on a stick today for dinner?
Scrappy Geek
What!? Something on a Stick Day? Is this serious or did you make it up? 😛 I’ll never be able to keep up with all the special ‘days’! aah 🙂 Those treats look fun and delish though!
These are so adorable and they look easy to make. My kiddos would love this!!!
Ellen Christian
What a fun way to make a bouquet. Such a cute idea.
Liz Mays
I’m totally willing to put everything on a stick for this day, especially when it’s treats like these. 🙂
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos
Adorable! Everything is better on a stick, don’t you think!? 😉
Stacey @ Cheap is the New Classy
Hmmmm. For something on a stick day I think I will have to bust out some pizza and ice cream on a stick. Do you think I could find them?
Amy Desrosiers
These are very cute! My kids would surely love “something on a stick day”.!
How fun!! I must see if we can re-create this for my preschoolers Easter party.
Nicole B
Those are really cute! I think I could actually make these. 🙂 I didn’t know there was a special day for eating on a stick. Time to break out the corn dogs! haha
valmg @ From Val's Kitchen
I have never heard of something on a stick day. Your pops look like colorful little sprinkle dandelions, very cute!
just found MY favorite new holiday. something on a stick day!!
Nicole Brady
I always manage to botch cake pops but I think I could actually make Rice Krispy ones work!
Carlee C
Looks easy and fun. My kids would enjoy helping me make these.
What a fun idea! I bet the kids would love doing this! I bet we could make a tasty mess with this!
Dawn Lopez
Oh yum, yum, yum! Those look like tasty fun! Now, this is the kind of holiday that I want to celebrate.. frequently!
I had no idea there was a something on a stick day! Those look tasty too!
Angela S
I usually do oreo pops, but love this idea of a rice krispie treat on a stick.
Jennifer Soltys
Yay! Everything is more fun on a stick!! I would love to eat some of those sprinkly ones that you have there!!
What a great idea. I agree, if its on a stick my kids LOVE it!
Michele Brosius
Something on a stick day is cracking me up! They really have a day for that?? Your treats look yummy!
Ashley F
Yum! Those look great! My toddler had a cake pop yesterday and I didn’t even know it was “something on a stick day”! LOL!
Catherine L.
What a fun way to celebrate something on a stick day! I bet my nieces would love to make these treats.
These are super cute – I had no idea about something on a stick day!
Katy Rawson
Something On A Stick Day! Who knew? I love it. Super cute idea, too. My kids would love to make these.
Is Something on a Stick day a real day? If not, I say we make it a real day!
Mama to 5 BLessings
So cute and easy to make! Love the coated sprinkles!
Melanie a/k/a CrazyMom
HAHAH I love it.. Something on a stick day.. So clever.. LOVE how it turned out.. thanks for sharing, SOOO have to make it for the kids soon
YES! IT is really a day….really obscure and odd 🙂 LOL – but FUN!