I have been blonde all my life.
Mostly a light blonde,
and then I let my hair grow out to its
natural ash dark blonde color
(it looks really dark in this OLD photo)
This is in 1995
In 1999 I went all over dark red-ish brown
and EVERYONE (hated) it.
I couldnt get used to it,
so I went back to blonde 3 months later.
I have had the White blonde & Dark Brown
highlights combo and loved
this look the most,
but it takes SO much maintenance & money
that I have not had that
option for some time.

I have never had short hair except for the time when
I was really young.
I was not allowed to have sweets, but I sneaked some bubblegum
at bedtime and fell asleep with it in my mouth.
When I woke the gum was gone and as I panicked,
I found it smashed into the roots on the crown of my head
of waist length golden blonde hair.

My young mind (and scared witless) logic was;
if I cut it as close to the scalp as possible, my mother will not notice
that a big short clump is showing…the other hair will cover the spot!
Yes! A Fool – Proof Plan (oh no)

So with scissors in one hand and feeling my way around the gum with the other,
I snipped and snipped until it felt smooth…
but I had a REALLY crazy feeling that
something was still
very, very,
When my mom saw it I was busted,
and I had my hair whacked off.
Here it is growing back in…
This bowl cut was the last time I ever had hair cut above my shoulders.
So What to do NOW?

I turn 41 at the end of January.
Is my long hair passé?
What about my color?
Here are some famous OVER 40 women
long, short, blonde, brunette…

Looking at these photos helps me notice how much hair length and color
makes a huge impact on how a person looks.
Lets see what I might look like with some different hairdo’s.
Thanks to COSMOPOLITAN online I
just uploaded a photo and tried on some different do’s!
fergie – licious
wavy and brown
and of vourse…Jennifer Aniston
kinda what I have now, only a bit darker…
This website has other features besides hair!
You can try on celebrity make-up looks too…
but I haven’t totally gotten the hang of that section yet.
(tee hee)
Tell me dapper friends!
What do YOU think I should do?
! Have a Fabulous Day ! – Jenny at Dapperhouse
Christine G
Very fun! I like the wavy and brown and the SHORT! one. Both are very cute! Of course, your hair in your google profile pic is really great as well and is blonde!