With Groupizo, everyone is a designer. Groupizo is the only multipurpose design and sell platform online. It’s ideal not only for fundraising and nonprofits, but also for group leaders, budding designers, artists, and people who like to wear cool custom T-shirts. The opportunities are endless! When you create a Groupizo event, you design a custom T-shirt, hoodie, hat, or other apparel item, set the selling price above the cost to produce, and we send you a check for the difference. (A.K.A. your profits!) Since everyone who orders pays individually, you never have to collect money or carry inventory. This makes Groupizo the perfect custom apparel solution for school groups, spiritwear, fundraisers, and testing out your skills as a fashion designer.

Stacey Werner
I’ve heard of this site before, and I really want to try it out. I think it would be neat to try selling a shirt or two on my blog… I just need to think of something creative!
Jennifer Williams
I love the shirt. I have not heard of this site and I love custom shirts. This would also be perfect for my oldest son, they want to get shirts made up for their Engineering club. This would allow them to design their own because lets face it – nobody can figure out what teenagers want or what engineers want as they think so differently from the rest of us!