Lately, face masks seem to have become the go-to response for just about everything. Whether it is getting rid of sunburn, acne, or skin irritants, or a quick pick-me-up after a hard day, a face mask seems to be the perfect solution. Are you looking for an idea for a get-together with friends or even a bridal shower package? Have a mask party. But, if you’ve been wondering if this quick treatment is worth the hype, know that face masks can do wonders for your skin – as long as you use them in the right way. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll get the best results possible with gorgeous, glowing skin.
Don’t Forget to Cleanse Your Skin Thoroughly
Remember to cleanse your skin with a gentle face wash using warm water. Face masks work by infusing the skin’s pores with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. For that to happen, the pores should be open so that they soak up all the goodness. Warm water opens up the pores, so the hydrating agents work deeply. It also prevents dirt from getting stuck between mask and skin.
Don’t Pick Products Containing Harsh Chemicals
Be very cautious when trying new products and brands. Since you can’t be sure how the ingredients will act on your skin, do an allergy test by applying a small amount on the inside of your elbow or behind the ear. You also want to choose hypoallergenic, fragrance-free brands that don’t contain preservatives, parabens, and chemical coloring. Cool natural ingredients associated with calming properties such as a CBD face mask. Any aromas you sense should be from natural ingredients like rose oil, papaya, mandarin, agave, mango, lavender, and cherry blossom. You’ll feel better and smell like a garden, too.
Don’t Assume Expensive Products are Better
Many people assume that expensive products will likely work better. That’s not quite true, because every skin type is unique. A brand that works wonders for a friend’s skin may not work well for you. The best bet is to check labels for natural ingredients that are good for your skin with base oils like CBD oil, olive oil, and coconut oil, along with aloe vera, oatmeal, and soy extracts.
Don’t Forget to Check Any Prescription Medication You’re Taking
If you’re taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicines, remember that some drugs can make your skin more sensitive, change its thickness, or react harmfully with the ingredients in the face mask. For example, retinol is a common ingredient in skincare products that fights acne and redness, but it can make you most susceptible to sunburn.
Check with your dermatologist for the products you can safely use. Better yet, avoid using face masks as long as the effects of the medicines last. If you absolutely need soothing treatment for, say, acne or a sunburn, make skin-soothing packs at home with milk, yogurt, honey, and similar items that are unlikely to do any harm. Testing each mix before applying is a good idea.
Relaxing with a face mask on is the best pampering you can give your skin. Once it is dry, remove by dampening with warm water and gently massaging it off. Follow up with a hydrating salve, and your skin will thank you for it. Remember, face masks are most effective when combined with a good moisturizer. Follow these tips, and you’re sure to make the most of this effective skin treatment.