Summer is arguably one of the busiest times of the year, especially for moms. Your schedule is probably already full of pool parties, vacations, and summer camps. Running kids to and from all of these activities can take a toll on your sanity, and did you know that it can also take a toll on your skin? Without a proper skin care routine, your poor skin might not flourish. Especially if you are outside and catching a few rays unprotected. So, here are a few things to help keep your skin happy and thriving this summer!

The Best Face Soap for You

First things first, make sure you’re washing your face. Typically, you should be washing your face once in the morning, and once at night. It’s also important to invest in a good soap for your skin type. There are many options out there, but a favorite is the Aveeno oatmeal soaps for your body and face. It’s gentle, has a soft smell, and makes your skin feel great.

Invest in the Best Face Serum

Make sure you research and know what the best face serum is. A serum is a must for repairing your skin and keeping it healthy. Be sure to apply any serums or other products right after washing your face with warm water. Warm water opens your pores. So, if you put products on your face right after washing, your skin will absorb it better! 

Wear Plenty of Sunscreen

Several years back, while talking to a dermatologist about preventing wrinkles, he offered some simple advice. He said that sunscreen was absolutely crucial

Sunscreen can feel heavy, make your skin look and feel oily, and it sometimes stinks. That’s why it’s important to find a good sunscreen for your body and a different kind of sunscreen for your face. 

A favorite of many women is the Neutrogena brand. There are many different formulas and levels of SPF. So, as you pick one, it might be good to go to the store to smell and look at all of the different options before making a choice. Though many foundations have sunscreen in them, it can’t hurt to add another layer to keep your skin safe from harmful UV rays.

Invest in a Good Water Bottle

This may seem silly, but your water intake can really affect your skin. To encourage yourself to get excited about drinking more water, invest in a cute new water bottle. There are many water bottles on the market, and they all have different benefits. 

No matter what you chose to get, make sure you know how much water you need to be taking in per day. Then, figure out how many time you’ll need to drink through and refill your water bottle. This will benefit your skin as well as the rest of your body. It’s a win-win.

While summer can be super fun and super busy, don’t forget to make your skin a priority!