Your website plays a critical role in luring clients. Some of them will never buy anything from you unless they can spot you on the internet.
One factor that increases clients trust is having a proper website design. Professionals understand the importance of this; therefore, you should hire a web designer with enough experience, because they know that a good website will cater for your online marketing strategies.
Most people would ask, “What makes a good website design?” Here are the factors you should consider to turn your website into a profitable platform.
1. Your audience comes first
People build websites for various reasons. Some want an e-commerce site to buy and sell; others want to create an online journal (otherwise known as a blog), while some want to use the platform to show off their skills.
When designing a design brief, a professional web designer will have to know who the site owner is targeting before starting the job; here is a guideline for writing a design brief for graphic designers.

2. Simple design communicates best
The various design elements you include in the website should communicate in the best and simplest manner. Avoid overdoing things. For instance, including so many unnecessary words, colors, or images in the effort of pleasing your clients seems unprofessional.
Simple design elements such as using a readable typeface, leaving enough whitespace, using an attractive color, and applying simple color combinations, could enhance the website’s look.
3. Write readable content
Web experts encourage owners to include a blog page. It is the best way to communicate that you are an authority in your niche. However, some people will write below average content without knowing the adverse impacts it brings.
You have to ensure that readers can read the content. Things you can do: write short paragraphs, use proper grammar, divide the content into subheadings, and use the right amount of keywords.

4. Examine its responsiveness
Visitors who click on your website expect it to react to their queries quickly. If it takes time to respond, be sure that they will click away and head to your competitors site. Because you want to avoid that, you should ensure that your site is as responsive as possible.
Make it easy for the user to scroll through pages, include simple pages such as home page, contact us, blog, and about us. The website should also have a good loading speed.
5. Available for all devices
Statistics show that most people access the internet using their smartphones. A smartphone is portable; hence the internet is accessible from anywhere. It, therefore, demands that you build a mobile-friendly website.
While at this, check the site to confirm how easy it is to access it from the phone. Make it scrollable, increase the font size, button sizes, compress images, and make it as responsive as you can. Remember, smartphones vary in sizes; it is vital that you consider that.

6. Optimize it for the search engine
SEO is one of the most effective marketing tools we have. It includes on page SEO, which draws down to customizing the content for the engine, and off page SEO, which deals with external linking, and marketing activities through social media and the likes.
Avoid keyword stuffing as it can lead to costly penalties by search engines such as Google. If you apply the rules, you will rank, which increase trust amongst new prospects.
Final thoughts
Update your website often. It helps search engines rank you. Clients also have an easy time finding you. Additionally, do not abandon consistency, especially in branding. Logos and brand colors should not change because such changes can confuse visitors.
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