Of all the affiliate sales programs that can be used to make money on a blog, amazon associates is one of the best. Amazon carries just about every product and brand available so you will have a vast amount of items to advertise. As well, Amazon makes adding referral links uncomplicated and gives you multiple ways to include them on your blog.

Amazon offers a big advantage by paying you for any item purchased during the shopping trip made from your referral link. When your readers click a link in your blog and purchase the item, you receive a commission. If the customer orders other things on the site at the time that they used your referral link, you will earn commissions on those items as well. Amazon is structured so that they are always showing similar and suggested items. This is great for you because if your customer decides not to purchase the item from your link, there is a good chance that they will ultimately be led to something that they do want to purchase.
Another way that these suggested and related products works to your advantage is that Amazon gives you the opportunity to orchestrate the same suggestions for your specific audience using Native Ads. This is a wonderful tool for bloggers who want to present numerous products without using too many text links. Even better than your text links, native ads show photos to the reader so that they might be even more persuaded to click and buy.
Amazon also offers Bounty Events which are deals that require the customer to sign up for a one time special offer. This would be something like opening an Amazon Bridal Registry, signing up for Amazon Prime and joining one of the many Amazon Audible programs. These offer a flat fee for referring customers and offer a “bounty” of anywhere from $3 to $15 dollars. You can advertise these events on your site with both links and banners.
Amazon offers fixed standard fee rates for various product categories. For example, toy sales earn you 3%, beauty products earn you 6% commissions and private label clothing for the family will earn you 10%. This can add up quickly and provide you with a lucrative passive income just from customers who read and shop your blog.
Amazon provides you with promotions that are going on across their stores, new deals recently added, seasonal promotions and items that are trending. You can search in a variety of ways to pinpoint the deals and promos that are specific to your needs such as categories, start dates, types of promotions, themes and more. Once you have used the site to get links and banners, Amazon will start recommending products similar to the ones you use. This reduces your search times and provides you with relevant links hand picked for your potential customers.
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