After a work-related accident, you may be left injured and unable to work for some time. Add in mounting medical bills, and you may face plenty of stress and anxiety. If you suffer an injury at work, you can file a claim to receive workers’ compensation benefits. However, you must take certain steps to receive these benefits. 

Report Your Injury

Report your injury to your supervisor as soon as possible. Waiting to do so can affect your workers’ compensation benefits. 

A First Report of Injury (FROI) form needs to be completed. Your employer will have ten days to fill out the form, provide you with a copy, and file the form with the Minnesota State Department of Labor and Industry.

If your employer fails to fill out the FROI form and file it promptly, contact a workers’ compensation attorney.

Seek Medical Attention

After becoming injured at work, seek medical attention right away. You will have your choice of health care providers. If your employer has a designated provider, you can seek medical care from them. Even so, you can also receive medical treatment from your preferred provider. 

It is crucial to inform the medical provider that you’ve sustained your injuries from a workplace accident. Informing them will ensure everything is well documented, which will help you greatly when seeking workers’ compensation benefits. While you may consider handling your workers’ compensation case alone, it is wise to get help from a qualified workers’ compensation attorney.

It is also essential to follow all of your doctor’s instructions. Whether it be taking medication or receiving rehabilitation, all will be documented and used for your case. 

Keep a Record of Expenses and Missed Days of Work

Just like medical records are extremely important for your case, so are records of expenses and missed days of work. Typically, Minnesota workers’ compensation will cover expenses related to the work injury and lost wages due to an employee’s inability to work. It is imperative you record all expenses incurred due to your injury and every missed day of work. Your records will be needed when seeking your workers’ compensation benefits.

Consider Hiring a Lawyer

Navigating the workers’ compensation process can be frustrating and confusing, but an attorney can assist you every step of the way. An attorney will guide you through the application process, ensuring you have all relevant documents and don’t miss any deadlines. Should you experience a denial of benefits, your workers’ compensation attorney will fight for your rights.