Preparing for a new baby is a tremendous amount of work.
It is joyful and exciting work, but stressful none the less.
Below is an infographic that I posted because it has the
perfect bits of advice for a parent of a new baby!
And, because I myself use mygofer, I agree that this
service is a God send for new moms by relieving
much stress and anxiety for everyone involved.
I remember being so tired, needing a shower, not having
time to do the laundry and then realizing I have only one
diaper left. That my friends is when you call
to pick up your necessities and kindly bring them to your door.
And dont worry, they wont judge you when you open the
door with a crying baby, dark circles under your eyes and
baby spit up down the shoulder of your oversized tee. 🙂
Mom to Be
Newborn Survival Guide Infographic – The Important Facts!
! Have a Fabulous Day ! – Jenny at Dapperhouse
Alaina Bullock
This is a great post for new mommies and expectant mommies! A lot of good points to keep in mind!
Young At Heart Mommy
This is so cute! I love it. It breaks down all the basics for new moms. Wish I had something like this before I had my little one 🙂 Great information.
Mama Luvs Books
Great tips for new moms! I’ll have to pass this along to my sister and SIL who both just had babies! Thanks for the info!
Great Tips for new moms!
Sofia @ From PDX with Love
This would have been helpful a few years back! Lots of great info!
Kelli Avery
I wish this was around when my kids were newborns, thank god for my gram. There is some really useful information, have many family members who are pregnant or just had babies, definitively plan to share this information.