I was reading a post at Textbook Mommy  
about her going vegetarian a month ago.
We are both the only vegetarians in our homes.
This inspired me to Get Personal.

My personal belief is that it takes many different people
to make the world a fun place,
not to mention that different views and opinions keep us
being thinking and progressive people.

Sharing different perspectives and learning from them

keeps us evolving to a better place rather than allowing ourselves
 to be passively influenced.
There are many ways to love God, eat food, make a difference in the world…
my way is right for me right now,
and I know that I will find other ways of expressing myself
and modifying my beliefs as I age and learn in my lifetime. 

I don’t advocate that everyone stop eating meat.
I am sharing my views and would love to hear yours too.
We don’t have to agree.
We just have to appreciate our uniqueness.
I am a vegetarian for different reasons.
One is personal…about being an animal lover
but NOT a peta extremist. 

The other is being environmentally proactive and

reducing my carbon footprint.

“Going from an average meat-eating U.S. diet, where 47 percent
of your calories come from animal products,
at 2.52 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year,
to a lacto-ovo (dairy and eggs allowed) vegetarian diet
where 25 percent of your calories come from animal sources,
will drop you down to about 1.5 ton of emissions per year,
saving about 1 ton per year.
Of course, these numbers are going to be a little
different for everyone, depending on where you live,
what your current meat/animal product consumption is,
where you food comes from, and so forth, but there’s no mistaking it:
Going vegetarian represents a significant step in the green direction.”
“Production and consumption of meat worldwide has
more than tripled since 1961 and could double from now
until 2050 as standards of living increase and the population doubles.
As a result, vast swaths of forest are being cleared for pastures,
 robbing the planet of trees, which absorb carbon dioxide.
Cattle and sheep also release vast amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
A recent study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
produced startling findings: The animals’ burps, the nitrous oxide gases
 from their decomposing manure and other factors,
including the energy needed to store and transport meat,
were responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions
 – more than the entire transportation sector.
Meat producers say they already have made
significant changes to reduce the impact of their industry
– in part by ensuring that cattle, sheep and pigs spend less time
on farms before they are slaughtered.” 

You can learn SO Much by actively seeking out information
on YOUR carbon footprint and how to lower it. 

Here are some “calculators” to explore your carbon footprint.
Let me know what you find out. I would love to hear about it! 

! Have a Fabulous Day ! – Jenny at Dapperhouse