This time of year is the most delicious for
Easy, Fast, Good and Healthy
meals because of the fresh
vegetable gardens!
My sweet friend Jane does a power garden every year
that is over the top with deliciousness and
amazing pumpkins for Halloween!
She just gifted me some basil and tomatoes so I am eating
gourmet again today!
First I took some bread, toasted it and cut it in quarters.
I sprinkled the bread with a bit of olive oil and Italian spices.
(you can use Italian dressing too)
I topped the bread with basil leaves,
mozzarella slices and tomato slices.
Then a sprinkled with fresh ground black pepper.
Looks so good yes?
You can eat them straight away, cold like this,
but I out mine under the broiler for less than 5 minutes
to soften the cheese and heat it a bit.
Another Amazing Lunch!
(Start to Clean up only 15 min)

! Have a Fabulous Day ! – Jenny at Dapperhouse