I am helping with the 4th grade Valentine’s Day Party at our local grade school. I have been looking for crafts that do not require any drying time for paint or glue. The party lasts one hour at the end of the day so crafts that are done will be put directly into backpacks to go home. This has served as a challenge but I did find a few ideas that are appropriate for 10 year old boys and girls. This is a fun craft for kids to make at any age and can be altered to make as detailed as you like. For example, if you do have drying time, you can use glue to adorn with glitter, beads and heart decorations. You could let little ones paint them with hand prints or brushes. Inside you can have them put a small toy, candies or a package of fruit snacks.

Here is the tutorial for the basic Stuffed Valentine.

1. Make a template for the heart.

2. Copy the stencil onto thick paper. (I used a file folder)

3. Cut two identical sheets

4. Add Holes around the edges for the kids to lace through.

5. Let the children decorate the hearts.

6. Have children lace up a bit more than half of the Valentine.

7. Let children stuff the Valentine with confetti and a surprise (a small toy or candy).

8. Children then finish lacing the Valentine and It is ready to give!
(My son thinks that it is exciting for the recipient to have to tear it open to get the surprise inside!)

Do you know of any fun crafts that do not involve drying time?

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