DIY Easy Fall Wreath Craft

My Mother In Law came in from Arizona for my youngest sons’s
10th birthday. She is very crafty and loves to decorate, so there is always a fun surprise in store for me when she is in town.
In Phoenix where she lives it is still Summer, but here in the Midwest there is a chill in the air and some beautiful warm colors creeping onto the leaves.
My Mother In Law is the Queen of DIY.
Not just crafts, but mostly serious home improvement
as seen on Home Shows that she watches religiously.
So today she took the challenge of making a
Fall Wreath for under $10.
She went to the Dollar Store and got her supplies.
Straw Wreath
Silk Leaves
Roll of Ribbon
( I had the glue gun already)
First she cut the Leaves and plants apart.
Then as she placed the decor in the wreath.
I helped by using the glue gun to secure the first few.
She finished herself by going around and around with the leaves,
and glue until it was full.
Then she affixed the scarecrow in the middle.
She took the roll of wired ribbon and made a beautiful bow.
She wrapped it with wire and ta – da!
Under $10 and under 30 minutes.
Thanks Nonna.
jennifer zuna
thats so cute and easy! love it =]
So adorable, I’ll have to try that!
That is really cute!
I love that!! that’s really pretty with the fall colors. I’ve seen wreaths not as good as this one go for 30-50.00 at craft stores. I love artsy do it yourself projects. Thanks for the detailed step by step photos!!
She makes it look so easy. I can go to the dollar store and buy the same exact things, but I doubt mine will turn out like hers. So creative.
Kelly R
I love this, it looks so easy to do, and I love the fact that you showed us step by step…