Several natural cures may be found in your kitchen or bathroom if you’re feeling under the weather. Easy home remedies might bring much-needed comfort from a sore throat, cough, stomach pain, or headache.

You may need to contact a doctor for treatment if your symptoms have lasted for a long time or if your pain is unbearable.

To help alleviate the symptoms of common ailments, here are some easy-to-follow guidelines. However, it’s important to remember that these cures are just for adults and not suitable for youngsters.

Symptom: Headache

Magnesium Glycinate is a Remedy for this Condition

Many of us go for aspirin or ibuprofen for first aid headache symptoms. It’s been shown that long-term use of nonsteroidal generally pro medications (NSAIDs) has been linked to digestive (GI) pain in certain patients, kidney damage, and raised liver enzymes, a marker of inflamed and damaged liver cells.

This will help you understand the question, “Can CBD help with headaches?” Hypertension can be made worse by NSAIDs. An excess of acetaminophen can damage the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and heart. On the other hand, magnesium glycinate has no such adverse effects and is exceptionally helpful in treating headaches.

Glycine, an amino acid, acts as a carrier for magnesium and helps it reach your cells. According to Tiffany Lester, MD, medical director of Parsley Health San Francisco, “Low blood levels of calcium have been related to headaches and migraines,” and more than 80% of the American population is deficient. “Magnesium is a mild tranquilizer of the nervous system. A neurotransmitter linked to the beginning of migraines, serotonin, is supported by this supplement.”

Ginger Tea Can Help Nausea and Vomiting Are Common Symptoms

The ancient Chinese habit of chewing ginger root to ease seasickness has carried over into the modern era when frequent flyers swear by it as a remedy for motion sickness. If you’re suffering from morning sickness, the Mayo Clinic suggests a dose of ginger.

To aid digestion, ginger naturally raises GI tract tone and motility. This is unlike traditional bismuth and subsalicylate-coated antacids that only provide short comfort.

Frank Lipman, MD, a functional physician, recommends “all types of ginger” for nausea relief. The writer of How to Be Well, Lipman frequently suggests ginger and peppermint for stomach problems.

Spices like ginger and peppermint are versatile enough to be utilized in various ways, from tea to tincture to essential oil. Drink ginger tea or add grated ginger to a green juice the next time you’re feeling queasy. Ginger pills might be a lifesaver for people who get motion sickness quickly.

On the other hand, ginger may not be a long-term remedy if you’re frequently sick to your stomach. You may have to deal with dietary allergies or stress. An upset stomach and constipation can result when the body’s fight-or-flight response is activated.

Treatment: Apple-Cider Vinegar and Bitters for Acid Reflux

Occasionally, it appears like apple-cider vinegar can accomplish anything. According to recent studies, this may help manage blood sugar and create beneficial gut bacteria. On the other hand, Lipman believes that digestive bitters can help alleviate heartburn symptoms, as well.

He notes that “digestion-stimulating bitters and apple-cider vinegar” can improve digestion. Mix one tablespoon of unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a dropperful of digestive bitters in a small glass of water, and consume it throughout the day.

As Lipman points out, a temporary fix is what these tinctures are for. If the problem persists for an extended period, root causes must be sought. Diet and gut health are frequently the sources of heartburn; therefore, he explains that the best method to recover is to repair the gut and remove items that promote inflammation and heartburn.

The simplest way to do this is to avoid foods that don’t agree with your body. Wine, spicy spices, and tomatoes are among the most prevalent offenders. Using vinegar with bitters has no adverse side effects. “Acid reflux medications, both over-the-counter and prescription, have several drawbacks,” Lipman explains. These are associated with intestinal dysbiosis, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, heart and renal disease risk, and a decline in cognitive function.”

Magnesium Citrate Is an Effective Treatment for Constipation

Some of the most common reasons for chronic constipation include dehydration, food intolerances, a lack of fibre in the diet, inconsistent eating and sleeping habits, and sedentary lifestyles.

Addressing these causes is critical and herbs can help. On the other hand, magnesium citrate is usually always effective in treating acute instances. Relaxing your digestive system with the aid of magnesium and citric acid, the pill helps you urinate more frequently. Taking 200-300 mg before night, as needed, is Lipman’s recommendation for this specific type of magnesium.

These are just a few ideas to combat common illnesses. Follow directions carefully and you can find your way to better health.