Despite the ever-evolving nature of dental care, there are still plenty of us that suffer from tooth loss. This can be for one of a number of reasons. Mostly it’s due to tooth decay, but periodontal disease or injury are also big factors in tooth loss.

In the past, the options to treat tooth loss was only to offer a bridge or a denture, however, today there is a third option: dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants offer a replacement for the tooth root, rather than just the appearance of an external tooth offered by dental bridges. They provide a strong foundation for a permanent or replaceable tooth to hold onto, allowing for a more secure fit and thereby more effective use.

The process is different for every patient. Your dentist will create a treatment plan personalized to you, and then place a small post (the implant) made of titanium into the one socket of your missing tooth. The jawbone will heal and grow around it, creating a metal post securely anchored to the jaw for an artificial crown to be attached to.

If you’re looking for a dental implant Brisbane dentists can happily oblige. Contact your dentist for a consultation.

What are the advantages?

There are many advantages to replacing a missing tooth and even more to using a dental implant to do it. For one thing, dental implants will look and feel like your own teeth, improving your appearance and speech. Ill-fitting dentures and a gap in your teeth might cause you to slur or mumble your words. Eating will also be easier as nothing moves around your mouth while you chew without a bridge or denture.

Dental implants are also a permanent fixture, so you won’t have to worry about it in the future. They are durable enough to last a lifetime with good care and because they are designed to fuse with bone, they will be a lot more comfortable.

Without the need to remove your dentures, you will gain the perks of convenience and maintenance, as well as better oral health. A tooth-supported bridge requires reducing the teeth around it, and dentures require their own cleaning routine beyond your usual oral hygiene routine. Nearby teeth won’t be altered by a dental implant, so they will be easier to clean since they allow easier access between teeth for you to brush and floss.

What are the downsides?

Very minimal. Most people who have received dental implants report very little discomfort when going through the procedure. Local anesthesia is available if you need it. Still, most patients say that it is less painful than a tooth extraction and mild pain after the procedure can be treated with over-the-counter painkillers.

Maintenance for dental implants is its main perk: there is none. At least, there isn’t beyond what your regular routine involves: brushing, flossing, rinsing with antibacterial mouthwash and regular dental check-ups. However, your tooth will deteriorate, as any tooth will, without this regular upkeep.