Setting aside time to be together with your partner is a surefire way to keep the spark alive and feel connected. Scheduling a consistent date night is an easy way to get this time together. Date night doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive- in fact, there are plenty of fun date night ideas that you can do at home! Take a look at our top three date night ideas that you can do together tonight in the comfort of your own home.
Cook a Meal Together
Pick a meal and prepare it together! This is a fun way to shake things up from the regular one-person prepared dinner, and working together to make something tasty is both fun and satisfying. Go all out and make something fancy or stick with something simple, it’s all about what will be most enjoyable for the two of you.
You might consider recreating the meal from your first date. Did you go to a fancy restaurant, or did you grab a burger on your way to see a game? Or maybe there’s a dish or particular recipe that you’ve been dying to try. Whether you’re making a multi-course dinner or something tasty for dessert, this is a great way to go for your at-home date night.
Have a Paint Night
Paint nights have been trending for a while now, and are a great option when trying to get together with the people in your life who matter most to you. A paint night is also a great date night idea to take advantage of with your special someone. While you would typically attend a paint night at a bar or art studio, this is definitely something that you can do at home as well!
Prepare ahead of time by gathering all the supplies you’ll need to make it a success. Grab paints, paint brushes, canvases, and of course some fun treats to keep nearby while you create your masterpieces. There are plenty of online videos available that walk you through how to paint a certain picture, so get all of your supplies set up, turn on your computer, and you’ll be good to go!
Game Night Fun
What is more classic than having a little game night fun with your partner? There are so many different ways you can organize your game night date. Go to your game closet and gather some of your favorite board games and card games and have a game night marathon together! You might also consider picking out a Dowdle jigsaw puzzle together, getting some of your favorite snacks, and making an evening of assembling a puzzle as a couple.
Creating opportunities to establish lasting memories together is a great way to come together as a couple, and is sure to help you feel closer to one another. As you consider some activities for your upcoming date nights, sure to consider some of these classic, never-fail date night ideas!