Do you feel like your teenager is shutting you out? Worry not. There are many ways to keep tabs on them and ensure they’re safe, even if they refuse to communicate with you. This article discusses three of the best methods for monitoring their activity so that you can rest easy knowing that your child is ok.

Install a Location Tracker

The best way to keep track of your teenager is by installing a location tracker on their phone. Unfortunately, many parents make the mistake of giving in to teenage demands and allowing them more freedom too early, only for them to go off with other teenagers who they shouldn’t be around. 

A location tracker will give you peace of mind because if your teen is in a dangerous area, you’ll be able to alert the authorities before it’s too late. This can even help build your relationship with your kid.

Location trackers also work great if your teenager has moved out of the home and you want to make sure they’re safe.

So, look up an online service to do a phone location lookup and quickly install the app for peace of mind.

Befriend Them on Social Media Under a Pseudo

Is your teenager not talking to you? Try befriending them on social media under a pseudo, like “mongoose48,” and see what they post. If it is all about school or work, then no worries, but if there are posts that involve someone who isn’t in the family circle, talk with your teen about this person, especially if they are posting with that person frequently. 

Don’t be accusatory but ask them how they know this person. Then, if you feel that your teen is in danger by being with someone, step in and talk to the police.

This is obviously controversial, but with predators targeting young children online, this may be what helps you check up on their internet activities and keep them safe. It can also alert you to online bullying, drug use and other things that young children are too young to handle.

Have at Least 2 Contacts of Their Friends

If your teenager is not talking to you, it’s a sign that they are probably building walls around themselves. The best thing to do is by having at least two contacts of their friends and their closest friend. As a parent, you need some sort of insight on what your teen is doing, so when something goes wrong, there is already a plan in place to help them out and guide them through their growing years.

Befriend your kid’s friends or at least their parents, so you’re aware of their activities at all times. Sometimes, your kid may decide to switch off their phones, leaving you with no way to reach them. In such a case, you can conveniently contact their friends and find out if your kid is safe and where they are.


A lot of the reasons teens are not speaking to their parents is because they are exerting independance. Unfortunately, this means that parents often have no idea where their teen is or what they’re doing. Fortunately, you now have tips and advice on how to handle this situation and take good care of your teen.

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