Heading to bed at night isn’t just a simple thing where you pull back the covers and fall onto the mattress. You’ve got a whole routine to go through first! And yes, you want to keep such a routine short, seeing as you’re tired from the day preceding it, but sometimes you can miss out a few crucial steps. It’s up to you what you do before getting your beauty sleep, but the most common of these we’ve popped down below for you to think about! 

Using Hair Protection

Protecting your hair during the night is a very good practice to pick up. Even if you’ve got short and/or very straight hair, wrapping it up, or at least tying it back with a soft band, will keep your tresses looking and feeling good for longer. 

The softer and smoother the wrap you choose to use, the better your hair is going to fare. You can also buy a silk pillowcase to lay on if you’re someone with sensory issues; some people find it hard to sleep with their hair tied up, but that doesn’t have to stop you! 

A Full Oral Health Routine

You brush your teeth before bed, of course. But are you cleaning your gums and tongue, as well as flossing and using mouthwash on top? If not, it’s time to add these steps to the bathroom routine before you go to bed. Even if you’ve got dental implants you’ll want to take care of your mouth with these steps too. If you find you experience bad breath in the morning, using more oral health products will definitely help out!

Some Wind Down Time

Going from watching TV or a film, playing a video game, or having a night out with your friends and then straight to bed, means you’re setting yourself up to fail. After all, you need to have a period where you can ‘wind down’. This is a time where you let your brain settle down, and allow your body to get ready to sleep, meaning you’ll have a much more restful night. You might have to head to bed a bit earlier to fit a wind down hour in, but that’s no bad thing either! 

Adding a Serum to Your Skincare

What does your night-time skincare routine look like? If there’s no serum step, it’s time to buy yourself a new product. Serums are good for balancing the skin, and allowing it to work with its own oils, alongside a nutritional boost that’ll make you feel much more supple and smooth. And seeing as you just need a drop of serum, any bottle you buy is going to last a long time! That means you’ll really get your money’s worth. 

Your night-time routine could need padding out a little. If you want to have a better night’s sleep, and you want to take care of your body a bit better, use tips and tricks like these to your advantage.

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