Right up there with getting fit, spending more time with family, and earning more money,with fa becoming organized is one goal that people make again and again. Now you can check that last goal off your list when you set up an organizational system using an erasable whiteboard. But not just any board. You want something that fits in with the style of your home. You can order top quality boards that come ready to hang, and with lovely frames, as a way to keep your schedule under control. Because whether families, singles or couples without kids, everyone is busy these days and needs a central place to share information. This is where nice, large custom whiteboards or black boards, dressed up with the perfect frames, come in to play. You can make your board more than just a calendar, it can be an organizing tool for the whole family.
You should place your board in an area where people will see it on a regular basis. Typically the kitchen and the family room are areas where the family spends most of their time, or place your board on an entry or mudroom wall for everyone to notice coming and going. As you start to use this system, assign a color of chalk or dry erase marker to each family member, so that each person’s activities are color coded.
You should place your board in an area where people will see it on a regular basis. Typically the kitchen and the family room are areas where the family spends most of their time, or place your board on an entry or mudroom wall for everyone to notice coming and going. As you start to use this system, assign a color of chalk or dry erase marker to each family member, so that each person’s activities are color coded.

In addition to the calendar, you might want a whiteboard or blackboard for writing your shopping list, to-do list or jotting down important reminders that you need to see daily. You could also devote an area to the weeks’ menu plan so that you can save time by starting dinner on time every night, rather than browsing through your cabinets looking for something that looks good. By doing your grocery shopping just once a week, you’ll also save money on gas and impulse purchases, in addition to saving time that is wasted when you make multiple trips to the store or dash out to run through a drive-thru.
Once you find out how well this works in your home, you’ll want to use a similar set up in your office. You can use your board as a calendar or to keep your daily to-do list front and center. Write your list in black marker and assign priority numbers. As you complete each task, you can erase it and feel good about your accomplishments.

You can get beautiful dry-erase boards from pictureframes.com. In addition to offering canvas printing, framing supplies and custom framing, they have blackboards, whiteboards and cork boards that look great in any home, office, school or other establishment. You can get your cork board, blackboard or whiteboard, surrounded by black picture frames, or any other color that fits in with your existing decor. With hundreds of options to choose from, you’ll be able to find one that looks great in your home, and makes your life much simpler.

I have a large framed white board in my office and one downstairs in the main area, both for organization.
My husband has a huge one in his office but it is a simple black frame that is came with from the office supply store. I like the custom frames so that it adds to the decor of the home. I have a small whiteboard in my son’s room for him to draw on but soon I will be using white board paint to do a very large area directly on his wall and use a large, custom frame around it to complete the upscale look!
Fiddlin' Dandi
This is a really great idea. Thanks for posting!
Sam Dock
Those pretty frames are a great idea! I really should do this, it would help keep my husband on schedule too 🙂
very stylish!!!!
lauren p
I like the whiteboard idea but we use bins a lot at our house
Jessi Arias-Cooper
I love the framing idea. It makes them look so much more attractive and easier to use in more rooms than just the office or bathroom.