We have to reverse climate change. It used to be an issue that was a cause for concern. Today climate change is an actual problem that effects everyone in the world. Greenhouse gases have been trapping so much heat in the atmosphere that temperatures are rising around the world. This is a fact of science, not a political agenda. Droughts are becoming longer and more extreme around the world. This again is recordable data, not an opinion. Tropical storms becoming more severe due to warmer ocean water temperatures causing increased water vapor, but there is less rainfall overall and over time. Glaciers are melting into the sea causing rising sea levels, coastal erosion, typhoons and hurricanes.
Climate change is a real life problem that needs a solution. We can’t all be working directly to combat climate change but we all have to do our part to help wherever and whenever we can. We are all buying products online, so let’s choose companies who take our collective donations and use it to make a difference.
Shop these online companies to make a meaningful impact on climate change.
Amazon is transparent about the carbon footprint they produce and is working to reduce it to zero by 2040. Last year Jeff Bezos spent 2 Billion dollars on climate change. When you shop on Amazon, choose “amazon smile” (https://www.shop.amazon.com) then choose your charity (here is the list for climate change). It is that easy! When you shop, a portion of your money will go to your chosen climate change charity.
Please note: Shopping online for items that can be purchased near you can actually contribute to climate change. For example, a delivery truck coming from a warehouse will cause more harmful gas emissions than your vehicle going up to the store. An amazon box will cause more waste than a reusable grocery tote. Amazon can be used to purchase products that are out of your local area and to ship gifts. Remember to shop locally when possible. Many shops have an online presence so you can still save time shopping online and use curbside pick up or a local delivery service to retrieve purchases.
Packed with Purpose
This Chicago based company supports a tremendous amount of charities including many who are making an active difference in reversing climate change. Take a look at their list of purveyors such as Conscious Step who rebuilds rainforests to Glee Gum who has planted over 26,000 trees and is dedicated to environmental justice. You are going to be overjoyed when you see the exceptional gifts Packed with Purpose has for every occasion and person. They have personal gifts, corporate gifts and more.
Save Lands
Did you know that every 2 seconds a section of trees the size of a football field is demolished? Save Lands is on a mission to get 10,000,000 trees planted. You can help them do it by purchasing easily affordable gifts for men and women. They sell tees for men and women, handbags, beanies, backpacks, jewelry and more. This sky necklace certainly looks like a perfect gift for anyone!
Eileen Fisher
Eileen Fischer has partnerships with many organizations working to help address pollution and climate change including the American Sustainable Business Council, which advocates for eco-friendly public policy. Since 2009 they have taken back over 1 million their own items that are gently used and resold them on their website. Buy shopping their new sustainable products (the price tag is a little large) or buying from their gently used items, we can help upend the conventional cycle of consumerism and design a future without waste. Their tagline is “A simple wardrobe, a sustainable life.”