We grow basil in the summer and fall to add to our favorite recipes. Whether you have basil fresh from the garden or not, this petso quinoa pilaf recipe is a winner. This is a very basic recipe that is good on its own, but it is also a perfect foundation that can be tailored to suit your tastes and dietary needs. Add things like goat cheese grumbles, pine nuts, sun dried tomatoes, chopped green onions, baby spinach, mint, mushrooms and anything else your taste buds desire. Add chick peas, edamame, green garden peas, broccoli or cashews for protein. However you choose to use this recipe, you are going to be happy that you tried it. Enjoy! 

Prep time: 2 minutes.    Cook time: 25 minutes     Yield: Serves 4/5


  • 200gr / 1 1/6  US Cup  Emmer Wheat ( Farro, Triticum dicoccum)
  • 120gr.  / 2/3 US Cup  Quinoa
  • 100gr. /  5 tbs  Pesto
  • Pinch of Salt 
  • Pinch of  Black Pepper
  • 1 clove of garlic 
  • 2  Tbs  olive oil 



  • 2 Pots 
  • 1 Pan 


1.  Add water to both of your pots and heat it until boiling.

2. Pour your quinoa and wheat in separately fine colander and rinse under running water for a least a minute. Drain well.

3. Once both pots are boiling, add the grains to each pot ( one for the quinoa and one for the wheat as cooking times are different) and reduce heat to medium-low. Cook until the quinoa and the wheat has absorbed all of the water, about 10 to 20 minutes for the quinoa and 15 to 25 for the wheat. Make sure to cook the grains with the pot lid on . Remove the pots from heat. Let the quinoa cover for 5 minutes to steam, this will make your quinoa fluffy. 

4. Preheat to medium heat your pan and add the olive oil  with the garlic clove. After the clove turns golden add both grains and stir for a couple of minutes (this will make it a bit crunchier).

5. Add the pesto, salt and black pepper and stir for 1 minute or until it the pesto is fully combine. Remove garlic clove and  serve while hot. Garnish with some basil leaves.

6. Grate some Parmigiano Reggiano on the top for taste.