*This is not a sponsored post. This post does contain affiliate links. Opinoins and content belong to jenny at dapperhouse.

If you are at all aware of fitness and gym life on social media then you have certainly heard the term “beast mode”. If you or someone you know has ever experienced pushing through a figurative wall during exercise. . . to go all out and increase your endurance. . . to move your strength to a new level. . .  then you have been in beast mode.  If you go hard and push yourself past your goals with dedication and a fierce mental attitude, then you have been in beast mode. There are a lot of women who deserve something fun and feminine that will represent their hard work, passion and dedication. This is why I absolutely LOVE the jewelry from fashletics.

Gifts for women who are inspired by Fitness and Strength and who work out in #beastmode - jenny at dapperhouse #jewelry #fitness #gym #gifts

You are going to go crazy for it too because it is so unique and thoughtful as a gift yet totally beast mode for strong women who are dedicated to working out. It is also inspiring and encouraging as a gift to ourselves to represent the  milestones and accomplishments that we strive so hard to reach. And they are so fun!!

Here are a few of the pieces I am in love with. . .

Fashletics Fitness Jewelry


On the front of this tank it says “Weakness is A Choice”.

On the back it says “I Choose Strength”

I choose strength - waekness is a choice tank

I love the little kettle bell charm!

kettle bell charm
Fashletics has SO many motivational sayings too. . .
Fashletics Fitness Jewelry


Great motto!

dig deep rise up


Ah ha! The dreaded tire. . . make for a kick butt work out!



Sweet and simple with a lot of class. . .

i choose strength

There are lots of SALE items, maternity fitness clothes and

even a whole section for men (Including the COOLEST weight cuff links).

I hope you love these fitness and strength gifts as much as I do!

Are you a #beastmode fitness champion?

Do you know someone that digs deep, goes hard and inspires you?

Tell us about it in the comments 🙂