Having a pill box in your purse or desk is very handy.
Some people have daily prescriptions that must be taken at a certain time each day.
What happens if you leave the house without taking your pill(s)??
If it is birth control, anxiety medication, nicotine gum or even a supplement,
missing meds can have detrimental consequences.
Some people may want to carry emergency pills like
antacids, tylenol, gas pills, or allergy medicine for
a just-in-case scenario.
Maybe fresh breath is your business, or like me
you are addicted to chewing spicy peppermint gum?
Make a cool container to carry them in that represents you! 
This DIY Tutorial will show you how to make a
one-of-a-kind and hard-to-find personalized pill box.
You Will Need:
Empty mint or gum box similar to the one shown
Modge Podge
paint brush
Magazines, stickers or clip art
glitter glue
Peel the stickers off the container to use as measurement guides…
or, trace around the container to make a template remembering to
make it a bit smaller than the outside edge of the box.
Choose a background paper.
I chose two from a magazine…one for each side.
Choose your embellishments.
I again used cut outs from magazines.
Modge podge the surface of the container,
lay your background paper on the modge podge.
Carefully smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles
with a brush of Modge Podge while 
covering the entire surface.  
Place your embellishments on top of the background paper.
Modge Podge over these to seal them as well.
Follow these steps for both sides.
You cna let one side dry before doing the other.
I just stood the container on its side so that I could
do both at one time.
After the Modge Pode dried, I put glitter glue on mine.
I did it in stripes in some places and avoided my
pictures for a cool effect.
Ta-da. Now I can carry some spare pills in my bag
so that if I forget to take them in the morning I dont have to
wait all day until I get home. And, I can carry a few
spare pils like Tums and Tylenol for emergencies instead of
taking the big bottles with me.
I had so much fun doing this one that I am going to do
one just for my mints.
This is a fun activity for older children to do
and they can use the container to hold money, erasers,
a special note from mom, or other small collectibles!
***This pill box is NOT child proof and must be kept
away from children under all circumstances.
Pills can be dangerous and deadly when not taken
as directed by manufacturer or doctor.
! Have a Fabulous Day ! – Jenny at Dapperhouse