There are a ton of guy hacks out there that make our lives easier and better. Over the years of being in business I  have been in my share of stressful situations and had to find creative ways to get myself out looking cool. Here are a few life hacks that businessmen will find handy at some point in time when you might just need it to go from fool to cool!


Cool Life Hacks for the Business Man

We have all found ourselves in the situation where we meet a business connection in a place we least expect it and don’t have a business card. Having a nicely spaced and well lit photo of your business card can not only come in very handy, but show your tech savvy and resourcefulness. Simply texting it to the person’s phone gives you a reason to give them your contact info and earn a permanent spot in their contacts!


Looking like a stud can come to a life shattering halt when your credit card won’t swipe from getting a bad read. If you suddenly find yourself holding the bill and holding up the lunch meeting with an overused card, simply ask for a piece of clear cellophane tape (that most businesses have on hand). Apply it to the card over the magnetic strip and when they run it again your financial good standing will be restored.


Men’s dress shoes are usually comfortable if they are well made of high quality leather but most pairs are not forgiving when it comes to working them in. It takes a while or them to mold to your feet and sometimes blisters  can cramp your style and your strut. Investing in leather shoes is a no brainer and once you get them home, put on two pairs of thick gym socks or a few pair of dress socks. Cram your foot inside your shoe and heat it up using your hairdryer. Once the leather is warm and soft, put the hairdryer away and walk around the house in your shoes. Keep walking as the shoes stretch and cool and mold to your feet. Once you take them off they will be a perfect fit. Remember to use shoe trees when not wearing your shoes so they keep their shape and avoid creasing.


Getting caught with a low phone battery can be a real nightmare. If you can find a place to plug in, putting your phone in airplane mode will make it charge much faster. Many businesses have an outlet in a waiting area that you could use for a short amount of time without looking like a freak. If you are someplace where you are not using your phone for a chunk of time, throw it back into airplane mode to keep it from searching for signals and to keep apps from burning through the battery. It is always a good idea to prepare ahead and keep a portable battery source and power cord in your briefcase, gym bag or backpack..

cool hacks for the business man - jenny at dapperhouse

Eating healthy should be a main priority. Feeling sluggish or lacking energy is normal but spiking yourself with sugars or caffeine is not always the answer, especially if you need sustained energy without a crash. Keep a healthy energy bar in  your briefcase, desk drawer or car. Make certain it is one with a good balance of both carbs and protein and at least 200 calories. This will give you the lift you need while doing your body a favor too.

What are some of your favorite life hacks?