I would venture to say that I am like most people in that when I go shopping I tend to gravitate to and purchase the same styles and especially the same colors most of the time. My wardrobe is mainly black and white and grey… sounds boring right? But I have jewelry and accessories to add some flair. These days with yoga pants not only being a comfortable option for an outfit but also being totally stylish, your gym shoes should add the pop of your personal style. I will admit that I have a lot of black heels, black sandals and black gym shoes BUT… they are all unique in design and material so they still have a personal flair. Here are some really stylish gym shoes that you can pair perfectly with black yoga pants any time of year.
Follow me on instagram at @fancyatdapperhouse
When UR trying to be fancy but you LOVE your ADIDAS!
Here are two of my favs that are “must haves” in my fashion book!
The Superstar:
and the NEO:
Here are a bunch more shoes and brands that are gorgeous and fashionable.

What is your favorite gym shoe for style?