No matter what the weather and no matter if you are staying indoors on a cold day or outside in the summer, have children come in beach clothes (or appropriately covered swimwear.
Make clear plastic cups of blue jello. Right as the jello begins to set (enough for the jello to suspend the weight of a candy) insert a Swedish fish or two inside. When set, it will look like a tiny aquarium. To make it look like a plant is in there as well cut strips from green apple sour straws! Kraft has an adorable recipe for these that I wanted to give them credit for as they have the cutest looking one, especially with the chopped strawberries for the gravel!

Another variation on the food above is to make the jello in cups filled only half way full and with a gummi worm inside. Then as a game, turn the cup over on a paper plate for each child. The kids have their hands behind their backs and everyone making a fishy face/ fish lips while they wait for you to say “go”. Then, without using their hands/fins, they have to get the worm loose from the jello and eat it.

Pin the Legs on the Octopus
Variation of Pint the Tail on the Donkey. Using a large piece of poster board or cardboard, color and cut out the body of an octopus and affix him to a wall. Using more stiff paper, color cut at least eight octopus legs (enough for every child to have one). Children can be blindfolded, spun around three times and have to try to pin the legs (tentacles) on the octopus. It will be funny to see what the octopus looks like when everyone is finished.
If you are not excited about making an octopus then do an easier version by drawing a large poster board fishbowl and give each child a small fish with tape and voila! Same game, same fun.

For another game get plastic sand pails. Have children use the small plastic shovels to toss “fish” across the room and see who can fill up their bucket fastest. You could find fish or ocean themed erasers from a Teaching Supply or specialty store or go buy cheap fishing lures (obviously with no hooks) the kind that look and feel like slimy worms!
Fast Paced Favorite Games for Older Kids
Gather a list (google it) of Ocean related words and do a game of Pictionary or Charades.

to create the right ambiance whether inside or outside.
Download some kids underwater themed songs and steel drum island music for the party.
Get some grass skirts, coconut bras, big sunglasses and other silly props and have a Hilarious dance party! Or, to make it a game, Divide the party kids onto two groups. As a rely race, one child from each team (so 2 at a time) run over to their pile of clothes. (Each team has the same items; hula skirt, hat, sunglasses and lei for example) They have to get dressed in the items as fast as they can, get their picture snapped, get undressed and run back to tag the next child. This goes on until every child has gone and you have a funny photo of each child to send home in your Thank You Cards!!!

Outside Activities
Outside during a warm party you can do sprinklers, pools, slip and slides, water balloon toss games and water gun fights! Water balloon baseball is a fun one too! You can decorate visors and flip flops.
Water bottles, bowls of assorted goldfish crackers, sub sandwiches, Gummi sharks, blue juice or Gatorade, there are also really cool sharks cut from watermelon to serve fruit from that you can find on line and Pinterst.
Alyssa McVey
Great ideas! Thanks for the tips. I love the idea of the little fish in the cups of jello. Cute!
I love the octopus idea! Cute!!
[email protected]
Nice to see some fun,simple party ideas!! Goes to show you don’t have to spend a fortune for the kids to have a great time
such fun ideas!nice you don’t have to spend tons of $$$$$ on a party! thanks for sharing the ideas with us!
Mary Beth Blanton
OMG my nieces would LOVE this! They love anything that comes from the water…especially sharks! Thanks for sharing!
Kelly Commerford
Very creative & detailed. Plenty of hands-on activities to stave off boredom. Kudos!
what cute ideas – we have 2 tropical fish tanks so a fish themed party would be cool
jenny green
My son loves fishies lol he would love this!
OMG!!! I seriously LOVE the blue jello with the fishies!! I’ll be passing that idea along to family members that have kids with birthdays coming up!!
Nancy Lustri
Love the LIVE fish! All are GREAT ideas!!
Gina Brickell
Those are great ideas.. I have difficulty thinking of stuff on my own as I have the least amount of creativity out of anyone I know.. I always have to go to blogger sites like this or pinterest
Trinity Rubin
Thank you for all the amazing ideas. My daughter and even my son would love this! Both LOVE fish!
Ambrielle Bender
OMG this is perfect! my daughter will be two in july I love it! I especially like the fishy jello! lol! with a peep on top to look like a duck! MADNESS it is so brilliant!
Kelly Commerford
I really do love the Jell-O Cup Aquariums, there are so many neat things u can do with Jell-O for kids!
Marlene Breakfield
This looks like some fun ideas for a great party. I like the octopus one best.
Kristie Betts
Very creative & detailed
Thanks for the ideas! I really like the “Fun Food” one!
Kerri, kerbear560 at yahoo dot com
Aquatic Themed Birthday Party | salutations - greeting cards
[…] Aquatic Ocean Sea Themed Child’s Birthday Party Ideas – Aquatic Ocean Sea Themed Child’s Birthday Party Ideas. … what cute ideas – we have 2 tropical fish tanks so a fish themed party would be cool Reply – Share […]