Everybody wants to save money and you should be no different, whether you are putting the money you save towards a special purchase, or you are putting it towards paying down existing debt, the savings soon add up – no matter how small they start off. Paying a lower price for a product or service you were going to be buying anyway is a major bonus. So, how do you save money on your purchases, whether they are big or small?
Shop Around
Two stores can offer two completely different prices on exactly the same item. The item may be packaged differently or have different wording on it, but it is still the same product at the end of the day. So, as hard as it is, shop around and don’t be enticed by a product just because it looks better than its competitor. Chances are it was made in the same warehouse or by the same manufacturer. Ensure that you read the packaging and labels to establish what you are going to be paying more for. It’s also a good idea not to go for the luxury brand for everything, especially when there are viable cheaper options available.
Use Coupon Sites and Coupon books
Before purchasing anything, check local coupon books and online coupon sites. It really does pay to spend a few minutes checking out if there are any coupons you can use before you make any purchase, as they can significantly reduce the price of your shop, especially when multiple are used.
Monitor Prices
It is not just the larger businesses and companies that drop prices. Smaller retailers drop their prices too. Price drops usually happen when a company is trying to shift stock quickly. They are like sales, but quite often, price drops offer bigger and better savings.
Shop At The End of the Month
People who work in sales have quotas to meet, and, as the end of the month draws nearer, they will be wanting to sell more to boost their quotas. So, with this in mind, shop towards the end of the month, and you should be in a better position to haggle and negotiate a discount.
Haggling and Negotiation
This is a skill some people naturally have, but if you don’t, the key to successful haggling is to know what you want. Having a figure you would like to pay, or even a percentage you would like to save, gives you focus and clarity to achieve your aim. To get what you want and to strike a deal, you have to be friendly, willing to negotiate, and calm. Shouting, being loud, or even being rude is not necessary, and it will get you nowhere, so don’t do it.
Saving money on everything is about being savvy, seizing opportunities, and keeping your eyes open to spot the genuine savings. Everybody wants a bit of your hard-earned money so try not to be tempted into impulse buying as this can see your spending increase quickly, and, watch out for those but one get free offers as they can entice you to buy more than you actually need.