Maybe you need no excuse to get out on your motorcycle, but inevitably, sunshine and longer days will ignite the urge to hit the highway this summer. With more people out on the roads, heading to the beach or vacationing with the family, it is imperative that you take every precaution to stay safe on two wheels.
Reports show that: climate change increasing the number of ‘riding days’, faster bikes on the market, speeding and an increase in the number of those driving whist impaired, are ramping up the number of motorcycle collisions.
Here are 5 precautions you can take to stay safe:
1 – Stay protected
- Helmet
- Motorcycle jacket and pants
- Gloves
- Boots
- Face guard and/or goggles
- High- viz vest or reflective clothing
The hot weather can make it tempting to ditch the above in favor of a cooler ride. However, appropriate attire sure looks better than asphalt burn. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation offers this comprehensive guide to what to wear, when, and why. It is a firm legal requirement to wear a helmet in just 19 states, however, an accident can occur anywhere and wearing appropriate safety clothing can significantly increase the chances of you coming out of an accident in one piece. Wear the gear!
2 – Stay aware
Be aware of other motorists – When riding, it is best to assume that every other road user is incompetent. Don’t attempt to pre-empt their next move or assume that they have even seen you.
Be aware of your own capabilities – Be realistic about your own ability, ride at sensible speeds and only make maneuvers that you are comfortable with.
Be aware of your route – If you are exploring new routes, then a little forward planning can prepare you for potential hazards such as busy intersections, winding roads or detours.
Be aware of your machine – Know your machine. Be aware of its power and how to operate all of its features, as fumbling around for switches whilst in transit is dangerous. Also use the features to their full advantage. Headlamps, for example, are a good way of increasing how visible you are to others.
3 – Stay alert
This one is a no brainer. Don’t drive or ride:
- While under the influence of drink or drugs
- While fatigued
- While using your cell phone
Operating a motor vehicle whilst compromised is reckless and puts both you and other road users at risk. If you are still not convinced, then these facts about drowsy driving may convince you.

4 – Stay road worthy
Another important consideration for staying safe on the road is whether the machine you are riding is in good working order and road safe. Things to keep an eye on include tire pressures, fluid levels, bulbs and brakes.
Keep your vehicle regularly maintained and ensure inspections are carried out when required, if you have any concerns get things checked with a qualified mechanic. If your vehicle is compromised, then you can be riding around on a potential weapon.
5 – Stay covered
Follow local road law, have all required licenses and insurances in place and make sure you are fully protected. State laws can differ drastically from one to the next, so if your road trip takes you further afield, know the regulations for your destination. If you are in a state such as Ohio, know the ohio motorcycle laws. No matter what state you are in, know the laws for each one because if you break them, you will pay.
That said, you can take all the right precautions but sometimes accidents can still happen. In the unfortunate event of a collision it is important that you and your family have the support you need. Leading motorcycle accident lawyers San Diego will seek to gain compensation for you or your family in the event of an accident and help you get the justice you deserve.
Get out there
Nothing is without risk, but now you have some top tips for how you can minimize them. So, get out there, stay vigilant, and burn a little rubber this summer.