Since I was a teenager I have always watched my weight and I have never been overweight.  Now I am 43, inactive and love food. . . this is a really crappy threesome that I don’t want to find myself naked in anymore. I want to lose the weight that I have packed on in the last two years so I could look good in a threesome if I wanted to. . . or at least look good for my one husband. But I am finding it impossible to get to the gym even 3 times a week, eat healthy and feel good about myself.

test of will power m&ms vs. veggies on a diet you can eat healthy and prove it @dapperhouse

When I had good knees and didn’t suffer from chronic, daily headaches I was crazy physical every day. When I ate food for fuel and not for fun I looked great. When I didn’t care much about flavor and hated cooking it was easy to maintain my weight. Not only that, but another problem recently is my craving sugar and unhealthy foods. I suppose I could blame some of this on the brutal Chicago winter, lack of sunlight and being holed up indoors for so long. But at some point I also have to take responsibility for what I eat and when I make time for the gym.

meal replacement

I have been feeling like I can not control my self with eating sweets and junk. I am a strong willed person and I expect more from myself, so instead of telling my family that we had to ban sweets because I am a monster, I decided to prove to myself that I could overcome this vicious habit of eating crap food all day long. I had to do something drastic to get in a different frame of mind and be conscious about my semi-conscious eating habits.

test of will power m&ms vs. veggies on a diet overcome sugar cravings & eat healthy  @dapperhouse

I took one of the most addictive candies in the world (peanut M&Ms) and put them in a bowl in an area of the kitchen that I pass a gazillion times a day. Then next to that bowl I put out a small tray of raw veggies. Throughout the entire day I had possibly 100 + chances to either pop a candy in my mouth or walk on by. I had maybe 30 opportunities to pop a few candies or make the choice to grab a veggie instead.

test of will power over m&ms vs. healthy veggies on a diet overcome sugar cravings & eat healthy  @dapperhouse

There were a few f-bombs dropped that day and a minor bout of crying, but I did not eat the m&ms and DID devour the veggies. I showed up my weakness and owned my will power! I proved to myself that I can make great decisions about my health and weight even in the face of crack sugar.

ine mom's addiction to sugar and how she found the will power @dapperhouse #diet #weightloss #sugar

I am slowly learning how to take care of my body again and hope to make some great progress in losing my weight. I am going to need a lot of strength to push past my physical limitations and sugar addiciton (I am serious) but I also have to believe that I can make it happen.

How do you curb your cravings?

Please leave them in the comments and give me a glimmer of hope.