It is often said that success is founded upon the small things in life rather than the large things, but in today’s fast-paced world, it’s not always easy to stop and smell the roses. If you want to move toward a more intentional way of living, the first step it to try to make the most of every day, rather than simply trying to get through to bedtime or waiting for the weekend. Here are some tips to help you live in the moment and embrace each day as it comes.

Get Up Early

If like most of the population you don’t consider yourself a morning person, you might already have dismissed the advice to wake up early. However, rising one to two hours earlier than you need to can make a huge difference to your life. Not only can you dedicate this extra time to working toward your goals or aspirations, but hopefully you’ll get to do it in private before the rest of the family wakes up.

Starting your morning intentionally will help you slow down and wake up to the day more gradually, but this doesn’t mean you should sacrifice on sleep. If you want to change your sleeping and waking habits, start by going to bed and waking up 15 minutes earlier each day until you’ve reached your desired sleep and wake time.

Do What You Love

Not all of us are lucky enough to do what we love for work, so it’s important to carve out time for a little soul nurturing each day. Whether it’s a quick yoga practice, or an hour spent journaling, sketching or walking in nature, make time to do more of what you love, and don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’re selfish for taking time for yourself. You will never be able to truly give to others if you can’t learn to give to yourself first.


Take More Photos

These days, most of us can take great photographs without owning a digital camera, and you don’t need to become an Instagram guru to capture your surroundings. If you’re out in nature and you spot a beautiful flower, photograph it. If your child is wearing an especially cute outfit, photograph it. In years to come, you’ll look back at these photos and remember the everyday moments that make-up your life, and you’ll be glad you made an effort. If you’re already a keen photographer, why not try a new technique like digiscoping: a photography method that involves using a pair of binoculars alongside your smartphone or camera to capture images from a distance. You can learn more about digiscoping on the Phone Skope website.


Get Rid of Distractions

There are far too many distractions nowadays, from email alerts to smartwatches and Fitbit trackers, that we often find it difficult to be present with our loved ones. No one’s saying you should ditch your technology, but becoming more mindful of your time spent online and taking control of your devices will stop them ruling your life. Set aside one hour of tech-free time each day to reconnect with your loved ones or yourself.