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Women in their 40’s like myself have to worry about the effects of hormone imbalance that comes with age but hormonal effects on mood and our bodies comes at any age. Scientific researchers have shown that higher levels of Oxytocin can help lower levels of the stress hormone, Cortisol. Cortisol as you may know is blamed for depression, sleeplessness and weight gain! If you are experiencing stress and its side effects, you will want to read more about the benefits of oxytocin nasal spray from OxytocinFactor!

According to Oxytocin Factor, in studies where participants used a nasal spray with the oxytocin hormone, they lowered their stress levels and felt more relaxed, with a more positive outlook on life. In today’s high-stress world, with responsibilities to juggle so much and increasing pressure to find a work-life balance, this hormone could help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety for a more relaxed lifestyle.

Oxytocin Factor Hormone Therapy - jenny at dapperhouse #sponsored

Hormones are chemical matters produced by the glands such as thyroid, pituitary, pancreas and epiphysis. They have different roles such as metabolic, reproductive or productive. At the same time, they influence your mental health (dopamine, serotonin). It is necessary to always control your hormones and report any changes to your doctor. Luckily, today there are many ways to recover from under-active glans and lack of hormones.


More About Hormones and Our Bodies

  • Estrogen is primary female hormone. It influences metabolic processes within female organism such as creation of fat, where, among other, estrogen itself can be stored. Besides that, it reduces muscle definition, it helps form secondary sexual characteristics and it influences cyclical changes in women by impacting the womb. If a women lacks estrogen in organism it can cause disastrous problems such as irregular periods, loss of libido, early menopause, mood swings and inability to give birth to a child.
  • Oxytocin is often overlooked hormone. It is the most important hormone in female body for connecting and bonding with a child. Also, it influences most of the maternal processes, such as relating to a child, establishing mutual loyalty and love. Women that lack this hormone often have post pregnancy depression and they can’t become intimate towards the child. Like any hormone, today, you can easily compensate for it. You can use oxytocin sublingual drops or oxytocin nasal spray from Oxytocin Factor in order to restore the natural level of oxytocin in your organism.
  • Progesterone is second important hormone in female organism and together with estrogen it influences cyclical changes on ovaries and womb. It is very important during the pregnancy because it impacts baby’s health and it makes for a better and easier pregnancy. In some cases, it is regarded as a protector of pregnancy. While its concentration in female body drastically rises during pregnancy, it also drastically diminishes after it. Similarly to estrogen, lack of this hormone leads to irregular menstruation. Also, it can adversely affect pregnancy and lead to miscarriage and other issues.
  • Prolactin is, similarly to progesterone, a hormone which appears and increases during pregnancy. Its main role is to enable lactation during pregnancy. Of course, after pregnancy, its concentration in body diminishes. Logically, lack of this hormone can influence lactation and amount of milk produced, it can also cause different issues during period, and it can lead to fatigue and late puberty.
  • Testosterone is primarily male hormone but it is also present in women’s body. As previously mentioned, this hormone is produced in testicles. In female body, adrenal gland has the main role of producing this hormone. It has function of providing balance between other hormones. If female lacks this hormone, it can impact her libido. At the same time, it makes your skin, hair and nails dry. In case that woman has too much testosterone, it can lead to increased hairiness, sweating and acne.

Scientists are discovering more benefits of the Oxytocin hormone, also known as the love hormone, all the time. Researchers have demonstrated how this wonder substance can reduce stress and anxiety, improve bonding with loved ones, improve social interaction, and even help those suffering from debilitating medical conditions such as autism. When you buy Oxytocin in a synthetic form, you can supplement your body’s natural production of the hormone and enjoy the benefits this natural hormone provides for your health and well being.


In Conclusion

Scientists are discovering more benefits of the Oxytocin hormone, also known as the love hormone, all the time. Researchers have already learned how this wonder substance can reduce stress and anxiety, improve bonding with loved ones, improve social interaction, and even help those suffering from debilitating medical conditions such as autism. When you buy Oxytocin in a synthetic form, you can supplement your body’s natural production of the hormone and enjoy the benefits this natural hormone provides for your health and well being.

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