*This is not a sponsored post. Opinions and content belongs to jenny at dapperhouse.

Here is another post showing you a way to spend quality time with your child in 30 minutes or less!  And what better way to have fun than with lego minifigs! (I am a lego fanatic.) These are super simple, really cheap and lots of fun. Here is how to make a DIY LEGO Minifig Kid’s Game Activity with FREE Printables!

LEGO Minifig Kids Target Game Activity from jenny at dapperhouse #DIY


  • Free Printable LEGO Minifigs
  • scissors
  • 6 toilet paper tubes (or paper cups)
  • glue stick
  • assorted lightweight balls (get them at the dollar store)

How to make your own kids game with free printable lego minifig characters from jenny at dapperhouse

Step 1 Print out the free printables and cut them out. Click the link below…

LEGO Minifig FREE Printables to make a fun game activity for kids from jenny at dapperhouse

Lego Minifig KIds Game DIY this kids game with free printables at jenny at dapperhouse #lego #DIY #Free #printables

Step 2 Glue the minifigs to the toilet paper tubes.

Free PRintables to make this fun kids game Cheap and Easy at home! from jenny at dapperhouse

Step 3 PLAY!!!  Set up the minifigs in any order you want to whether it be a straight line or like bowling pins… however you want! Take turns throwing the ball and trying to knock over as many minifigs as you can!

You can make this Super Fun Minifig Game for your kid with recycled materials and FREE Printables from jenny at dapperhouse #lego #game

You can find many more Free Printables and ways to spend time with your child in 30 minutes or less here on my blog! Click in the categories above to find everything you are looking for and more!

Have a fun time with your child!

Do your and your kids love legos? Let me know in the comments section below.