Hot water is seen as an essential in most homes. After all, how else will you take a shower, bath or even wash the dishes.
In the past there were ways round the issue or cold water was the only option. In fact, the ancient Greeks believed it was better to wash in cold water. The Romans were the first to really introduce the notion of hot baths.
But, in the modern world hot water is no longer seen as a luxury but as an essential part of your home. This is why it will become an issue if you find yourself running out of hot water quickly.

The first step in combating this issue should be contacting a local Sydney plumber to evaluate your water system and locate the issue.
While you’re waiting for the plumber to arrive you may find it useful to understand the most common reasons for you running out of hot water so quickly:

Most people take their water heater for granted, but you should perform regular maintenance to ensure it is in peak condition.
One of the biggest issues is the buildup of sediment in the bottom of your tank. This is caused by the minerals and other substances in the water itself.
Sediment naturally settles to the bottom of your tank, coating it and reducing the efficiency of your heating element. In short, the heating element becomes coated and has to work much harder to heat the water.
The result is less space for water and the water will not be as hot as you like.
Fortunately, this issue can be easily resolved by flushing your water heater on a regular basis. Unless you are in an area that has a large problem with sediment then once a year should be sufficient.
All you need to do is dump all the water from your tank, flush it through then refill it.
You may prefer to get a professional to do this for you.

Size of Heater
You should also consider the size of your water heater. It may simply be too small for your changing needs. Replacing it with the right heater can improve your energy efficiency and the availability of hot water!
This is often true if you have children which are growing up and now take much longer showers than they used to.
It is possible that a fault has developed within your water heater. This is something that a qualified plumber will be able to diagnose. They should then be able to give you a cost for repair which will help you decide what your next step should be.

Check Your Thermostat
Most water heaters have a thermostat on them. You need to check that it is turned up high enough for your needs. You’ll never have enough hot water if the thermostat is set too low!
While this cannot normally be accidentally adjusted it is worth checking it even if the hot water has been fine until recently.
It may even be a sign that the thermostat is not functioning properly.