For couples needing to get away and rekindle the romance of their relationship, road trips signify a great romantic escape. For large families on a budget, a road trip may represent the only way they can afford to vacation together. For individuals seeking some much-needed alone time, road trips offer opportunities for quiet reflection and a bit of excitement. Whatever the reason you choose to take a road trip, remember the basics for making it perfect: snacks, snacks, and snacks.

Perfect Snacks for the Perfect Romantic Road Trip

If you’re embarking on a getaway with your partner, pack food that maintains the theme of romance. Consider foods that you both enjoy, foods that travel well, and those that don’t require too many dishes or cleanup.  Your thoughtfulness and love will be evident in planning the perfect route, the best destination, and the incredible foods along the way.

Consider packing that old romantic standby, the picnic basket. Pop the hatch on your new Subaru for sale and fill the space with a basket of bread, cheese, and olives. Throw in a favorite blanket and plant stop at a roadside park or coastal overlook to sit on the grass and enjoy your nourishment.

Don’t forget to bring a cooler to chill romantic refreshments. Even while driving, you can enjoy something bubbly. Pack some sparkling grape juice or a non-alcoholic champagne.

Perfect Snacks for the Perfect Family Road Trip

If it’s feasible, gather input from each family member to decide which snacks to buy. Once you’ve purchased everything, determine which items you should repackage in order to ensure they stay fresh and allow for easy access. Once you have this accomplished, consider packing each person an individual “snack bag”.

If the kids are old enough, consider putting them in charge of their own snack bag. This way, they’ll be sure to keep it handy and you won’t all be spending precious family time searching the car for that one bag of chips you know you packed somewhere. Another option is to keep all of the snacks in the rear of the vehicle where no one can reach them until you stop and eat together as a family.

Perfect Snacks for the Perfect Solo Road Trip

It may seem like the solo road trip wouldn’t take much pre-planning to pack perfect snacks but resist the urge to wait until the last minute to throw some food in the car. If your goal is to escape, plan to escape with your favorite things. Consider packing snacks you love but don’t often buy for yourself. Think of the trip as a celebration and eat accordingly.

While planning ahead, also consider incorporating stops along the way to sample snacks you may not get close to home. You’re the master of your own schedule, so if food is your passion, don’t hesitate to schedule in some time to try the local fare.

Don’t Skimp on Snacks

Whatever type of trip you’re taking, don’t skimp on the snacks. No one enjoys driving hungry, and no one likes sitting in a car with someone who is complaining about being hungry. Plan ahead to incorporate just the right snacks into your road trip and you’ll be on your way to an enjoyable journey.