Many of us have woken up after a night out in the clubs and wondered what on earth happened the night before. Maybe we used to remember intricate details of our past only to start to have no clue what we did last week or even ate for dinner last night. These are all moments that our memory has been impaired, but how can you prevent it, and is it a cause for concern? 

Read this piece to find out what factors can impair our memory and what action we can take to stop it from happening.

What is Memory Impairment?

Memory impairment is essentially exactly what you would expect it to be, the impairment of memory. This can come in all different levels of severity, from walking into another room and promptly forgetting what you walked in there for to suffering from extreme symptoms of dementia. 

Sleep Issues

Sleep is absolutely critical for our memory. It is when we are sleeping that our mind clears out all of the information it no longer needs and makes room for new information. It also stores and organizes the events of the day in order of importance and helps solidify these memories for when we wake up. When we have sleep issues, this can be extremely disruptive to this process, as many memories could be prevented from being solidified, which then creates the forgetfulness and memory loss we experience.
It is vital that we get a good night’s sleep as often as possible to preserve our memory and also protect against brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s


Our diet has a significant impact on both our physiological and psychological health – and this is no secret, as what we consume is directly used to help fuel our body and help it function. If we eat lots of processed foods and drink a lot of alcohol, it is no surprise that this can have grave consequences on our memory, as they are offering little to no nutrients which your body can work with to optimally run. There are foods that are known for being particularly beneficial to the brain, and subsequently, the memory, such as nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and fatty acids from fish oil. So, if you want to give your brain health a complete overhaul, then consider dropping the alcohol and nutrient-void foods and focus on incorporating some key foods rich in vitamin K and essential fatty acids to support your memory. Do not forget to hydrate either!

Emotional Issues and Stress

Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, along with emotional issues and stress, are a catalyst for memory issues. And while we cannot prevent circumstances or situations that cause us stress or the emotional turmoil that is not always avoidable, there are some strategies we can implement to help lessen the negative effects. Some of these include exercising, taking medication, participating in therapy such as talk therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and meditation techniques such as mindfulness.