The law that prohibits no texting while driving is most likely saving lives.

I am fine in Chicago where you must use a hands free cell phone device
and I don’t distract myself with the phone while I drive.
The thing that I don’t understand is that
working the phone to find and dial numbers to have a
hands free conversation is quite similar in distraction qualities
as texting, but is still allowed.

And using the GPS in your car is similar,
working your iPod to find music in the car, also similar.
There are many legal distractions that to me are on the same
level of distraction and danger as texting,
yet still allowed and not included in the safe driving campaigns,
level of distraction and danger as texting,
yet still allowed and not included in the safe driving campaigns,

Is it just me that is being a “goody goody”
or do I have a point that there should be laws that make more sense as
well as a campaign called “Don’t text and drive and all of this other stuff
that is dangerous while driving”?

What are some things that people do in the car that
you think are dangerous ?
you think are dangerous ?
My funniest observation of people doing things in the car
was a man with a harmonica attached to the neck gear
playing intensely as he was driving.
It was Great!!
I agree with you about people doing distracting things while driving. I think that all cell phone use should be banned while driving, not just handheld use. I’ve seen too many people not paying attention to the road while talking on their cellphones.
judy gardner
i agree that cell phone use while driving should be illegal. once, years ago, i was driving down the highway and a man in the next lane was reading a book while driving!
[email protected]
I’ve seen a woman reading a book while driving…*definitely* dangerous!!! 🙁
Casandra Helzer
Distracted Drivers are very dangerous
Sophia Rose
Definitely putting make-up on, reading a paperback (yes, saw that once), looking off at something along the road, playing wit the radio or lighting cigarette, but the biggie is the texting.
We almost got hit by a person putting on their makeup .. People need to think about what they could do to others.We had our 4 kids in the car with us.
it’s sad that more teens don’t realise how dangerous driving can be
I’ve seen some CRAZY things in people’s cars while they’re driving! I watched a woman curling her hair (I assume she had an A/C jack plugged in for this), a man reading the newspaper, someone reading a book, women every day putting make-up on, kids looking through their CD cases for the right CD, a woman painting her TOE nails!, and many other things. We’re all guilty of being distracted at one point or another while driving, and I agree with you. It’s not just cell phones that are dangerous. If they’re going to attack the phones, they need to address other things as well.
Thanks for the post! 🙂
songbird1613 at yahoo dot com
I actually witnessed someone reading a book on the highway here in Chicago!
I agree that many things that are done while driving are dangerous and put not only your life but those of others at risk.
morales_y at yahoo dot com
I live in a college town and you would not believe the number of girls who apply mascara while driving.
seeing women put on their makeup & people eating and driving
Distracted Drivers are very dangerous
Krista Grandstaff
I have called the police while driving behind a weaving, distracted driver… it drives me nuts.. I get that teenagers are bad, but the adults I see doing drive me insane…
I actually just recently saw someone driving down the highway, with the window down, playing a trumpet which was pointed out the window. I couldn’t believe it.
while in school i had a teacher joke about grading papers on the drive to the shore…I made sure to let him know that he might want to stress his wife was driving concidering he taught impressionable kids!
I agree, the GPS can be really confusing too. Especially when your passenger is messing everything up.
I see so many Mom’s on their cell phones with little kids in the backseat. It drives me nuts!
Lena & Alex
Agree. I sometimes get distracted thinking too
distracted drivers are very dangerous
Jennifer Nielsen
My favorite line to drivers texting: “So, what DOES your obituary say??”
distracted drivers are very dangerous they should have their licens taken away if caught
The radio can be quite a distration whether the sound itself or messing with the volume and station.
It disgusts me how many people STILL text and drive
Alisha L.
Agree! Very dangerous 🙁
It’s amazing how many people try to do too many unnecessary things while driving.
Miranda M
Eating while driving is probably just as distracting as texting while driving and just as many people do it, but it would probably be more difficult to ban that or enforce that ban.
Texting and driving
the people here in mo and kid a re using the cell phone and then it a causing more accidents
Debbie ritenour
I would say the lady trying to eat a bowl of cereal while driving!
Susie B. Homemaker
Just today I was headed to the store and waiting to turn the corner at a light. A man drove past with a file folder on his lap and was looking through it. 😮