When we got the date scheduled for my husband’s kidney transplant (and my donation surgery) I realized that being 43, out of shape and unhealthy was going to make for a really crummy recovery. The recovery for living donors is a bit rough anyway, so I really wanted to do whatever I could in the four weeks before the surgery to get to a healthier place. I joined a total fitness program that included a diet tailored to my needs. The first thing that really hit me hard was the vices I would be giving up cold turkey. The biggest of them being caffeine. This is my usual schedule. . . I wake at 7:30 and get a coffee. Then I drink coffee all morning and through lunch time until approx 1:00 pm. Then I have my first meal of the day and switch to Diet Coke. I drink diet coke until night when I will have a craft beer or glass of wine before bed. Can you see why when I was told that I was to stop all beverages besides water I FREAKED? I knew it was for the best and that I had to get my body clean to heal properly so here is how I dealt with the caffeine withdrawal and remedies I used to cope.

Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms & Remedies jenny at dapperhouse #coffee

Here is what you can expect with caffeine withdrawal and some things you can do to make you feel better while you are dealing with it.

The most common symptoms include:

  • headache
  • fatigue
  • sleepiness
  • irritability
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • inability to concentrate
  • constipation
  • muscle pain and fatigue
  • sensitivity to light and noise
  • even flu like symptoms can occur depending on your body’s reaction

How to deal with caffeine withdrawal and remedies to help with releif @dapperhouse

Remedies to ease the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal:

  • use pain relievers as directed
  • drink lots of water infused with a little lemon and apple cider vinegar. (This will help purify your cells and counteract constipation)
  • rest and sleep
  • let other’s know what you are going through to explain why you may be acting out-of-sorts.
  • try to keep your mood in check and your crabbiness to a minimum
  • pamper yourself and do things you love to take your mind off of withdrawals
  • resist eating processed foods and sugars in place of caffeine
  • eat many small meals throughout the day to keep your energy up
  •  take vitamin B supplements
  • exercise
  • keep yourself calm, cool and collected
  • if you use essential oils try lavender, cinnamon, ginger and frankincense
  • if you think you may relapse, drink decaf coffee instead

*Pics courtesy of wikimedia and modified by jenny at dapperhouse