Asics has been making running shoes for over 70 years. Both trail and running shoes from Asics have a reputation for high performance, durability and comfort. Therefore, the brand’s popularity remains consistently high to this day.
The company maintains a research facility in Kobe, Japan, the country of its genesis, where it develops new innovations in running shoe technology. Its system of gel cushioning is its signature innovation. Gel technology is included in many top styles of Asics running shoes, including the Asics Gel Lyte and the Asics Gel Kayano. Nevertheless, despite having gel cushioning technology in common, the Gel Kayano and the Gel Lyte are very different in significant ways.
The type of running shoe you desire depends on the goals that you want to accomplish. Some runners are looking for stability, while others want versatility.
Overpronation is a condition that causes your ankle to roll and your foot to flatten while you run. It can put you at risk of injuries such as Achilles tendinitis, shin splints, and sprains. The Gel Kayano is expressly designed and built for stability to counteract the effects of overpronation. To that end, it contains technology for stabilization including varied proprietary materials in addition to the gel cushioning.

The Asics Gel Lyte is intended for those who want a versatile running shoe that is comfortable enough to be worn all day. The cushioning includes gel for impact protection and softness, as well as EVA foam in the midsole to provide a little extra firmness and support.
The defining design element of the Gel Lyte is its unique split tongue. Its purpose is to fit the shoe to the form of the foot.
Some runners feel weighed down by shoes that are too heavy. The Gel Lyte is designed specifically to be lightweight, with materials chosen specifically for that purpose. A lighter running shoe may help you to achieve greater speeds.
The different materials that comprise the sole of the Gel Kayano and help to provide it with the most stability can also serve to weigh the shoes down to a certain degree. Therefore, if you are looking for a lighter shoe and do not have issues with overpronation or instability, the Gel Lyte may offer you a slight advantage in this regard compared with the Gel Kayano.

It is important that the running shoes you buy be able to accommodate the size and shape of your feet, especially if they are particularly wide. A commonly cited observation about the Gel Lyte is that the styles run a bit narrow, so people with wider feet may have difficultly fitting into them comfortably.
For runners with feet that are wider than average, the Gel Kayano offers additional widths to accommodate. The regular widths are suitable for people with foot widths that range in the medium to the narrow range.
The Right Shoe for You
Both the Gel Kayano and the Gel Lyte offer desirable features. The one you choose depends on your particular needs. Once you decide on the shoe that will suit you best, you can purchase from an online retailer for your convenience.