I just finished a post on 6 Steps to writing a sincere letter of apology.

Then I was feeling silly so I created this post putting those steps into action. 

Dear Dad,

1.)     I said some things that I am not proud of by making fun of you this weekend at the neighborhood BarBQ.

2.) I know that you were really angry that I disrespected you in public and I know that I hurt your feelings.

writing an apology letter @dapperhouse

3.) I remember when I was little and we spent time together doing things that we both liked to do.

write an apology letter @dapperhouse

Then you got really serious into your Magic Wizard Games and I feel like we lost touch with each other. I have been stuffing these feelings of loneliness and embarrassment down deep inside me. I lost my temper and said hurtful things in front of our neighbors that I should have spoke to you about in private.

sincere apology @dapperhouse

4.) I want us to be able to talk about this. I want to tell you that I am sorry and that I do love you as a dad. Maybe you could come out and support me at my band shows that  me and mom do at the public parks once a month. Then maybe I could be more supportive of you in your Magic Games and Animal Puppetry. I hope that we can get our relationship back.

write an apology @dapperhouse

5.) I promise not to unleash my fury on you like that in public again.

writing an apology @dapperhouse

6.) I am sorry that I didn’t control my anger and my words. Please forgive me for hurting you.

Your Son,


You can see the original post “6 Steps to Writing a Sincere Apology Letter”.