Why do we fuss over our children eating healthy foods, brushing their teeth, wearing safety helmets and applying sunscreen? Because we love them. Because we want to protect them. Because our children are what matter most to us. Right? So did you also know that eye health is a serious issue. Protecting our children’s eyes from the sun is an essential part of their daily health routine that we can easily contribute to! You just need the right glasses. This is why I love the Real Kid’s Shades Company. They don’t just make scaled down versions of adult glasses.They have award winning designs made specifically for children but with the same exact standards as adult shades with “the best 100% UVA/UVB sun protection on the market.” This is important because if your child is wearing toy sunglasses or ones that do not have adequate sun protection standards, your actually harming your child’s eyes. That’s right, wearing toy shades causes your child’s eyes to dilate and therefore lets in more of the sun’s damaging rays! With Real Kids Shades you are guaranteed serious health for your children’s eyesight. They are CPSIA Compliant, CE Certified and FDA approved.

My son wears their glasses because he is outdoors so often. He is in year round sports and other outdoor activities. His white and freckled Irish skin is always slathered in sunblock and his eyes are always covered with RKS. My son knows that this is for his own good. He appreciates that I take good care of him and that I teach him good habits for a good life. But really he likes the RKS glasses because they are so cool and he likes how he looks and feels in them! Check him out in his two new pair of shades for the winter.

All the glasses come with a removable neoprene strap that is adjustable to keep them in place.
Each one comes in a professional case that can be used to store glasses when not in use. My son has one that hangs from his back pack with a carabiner that is really cool .
The RKS Glasses:
- are Shatterproof and Impact Resistant
- have Warp Around Frames to protect from peripheral light
- have a comfortable fit designed just for children
- are transparent enough to see your child’s eyes through the lenses
- are tested and guaranteed to contain no harmful chemicals such as lead, bisphenol A, or phthalates
- are high quality in every way
- Have a high standard replacement guarantee

* I want to thank RKS Company for sending my son two pairs of shades to review. We are big fans of their company and are glad to endorse their products.
Sny Med
Thanks for the share! I had sunglasses for my kids when they were babies, but I don’t have appropriate eye protection for them now. I’ll check these out.
Natalie Parvis-Nichols
These look great. Eye protection is so important
Colette S
The kids look really cute and cool 🙂
I need to upgrade the sunshades for my kids.
I try to make them wear it for the same reason of protection.
I think this is one area that a lot of parents forget to think about when they think of sun protection. These look like quality sunglasses and I love the ones for baby.
What an important post!! Yes, eye care is something to be mindful of.
These are cool!! I’m going to get a pair for my 5 year old he will love them!
Jennifer Williams
Perfect timing, we need new glasses for my son, he will love these. He too is in sports so extra protection makes me happy!
lauren p
I love these. They look like oakleys for kids
The whole design really is amazing, my daughter goes through glasses like crazy cuz they always fall off and break or get lost.