Most homeowners are looking for ways to increase the value of their homes to increase the likelihood of selling. That goal can also be coupled with wanting energy efficiency and financial savings. When thinking of energy efficiency, you may contemplate appliances, insulation or new windows, but increasing the value of your home doesn’t have to be an ordeal. Small but meaningful changes can go a long way toward improving energy efficiency.

Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats are an excellent way to increase the value of your home and save money. Heating and cooling a home not only takes a ton of energy, but also makes up the majority of your electric bill. Look for a thermostat that sports an energy star certification. If you are into home automation, you can find one that has a paired app so that you can control it from your phone. The modernity and customization of smart thermostats makes an appealing choice for a homebuyer.

Insulated Blinds

Replacing the insulation in your walls and attic is a huge job that requires a whole crew. However, increasing the R-value, or insulation value, of your home can be as simple as getting insulated blinds. Cellular blinds, a beautiful and energy-efficient type of window covering, can be combined with curtains for an elegant, finished look. Insulated blinds also increase curb appeal and allow in uplifting natural light during a walkthrough.

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are excellent at drafting hot air up during the summer and can be reversed to push hot air down in the winter. This saves a bundle on heating and cooling costs. Choose a ceiling fan that fits the size of the room, and look for features like remotes or built-in lights for bedrooms. A ceiling fan also improves air circulation in the home, taking even more of the load off of your HVAC unit.

HVAC Maintenance

Regular maintenance on your HVAC will help improve the energy efficiency of the unit and the air quality in your home. Get on a regular schedule and address any issues that you have with your HVAC professional. You live in your home 24/7 whereas your professional may only spend an hour inside, so don’t be reluctant to have a conversation if you notice excessive dust on your ventilation ducts or rooms that get low airflow.


Image via Flickr by Dennis Jarvis 

Your yard may not come to mind when you think about energy efficiency, but using trees to protect your home from sun and wind can greatly reduce the workload of your HVAC unit. If you live in an area that gets very cold winds in the winter, consider placing evergreen trees on the north side of your home. If your home gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter, plant deciduous trees which add beauty to the outside of your home and reduce your overall costs.

Increasing the value of your home while saving you money doesn’t have to be a huge endeavor. Using these do-it-yourself upgrades, you will see a dramatic reduction in your energy bills. You may even be excited to see how much they drop each month.