Schools out and summer fun is in full gear! Right? Hopefully, you can say a loud “Hooray” for all the fun you are having as a family this summer. Unfortunately, not everyone is feeling the FUN! Some people are swamped with appointments, busy schedules, and unexpected expenses… in other words, life is not the pocket full of sunshine they had planned on. For those of you who are trying to juggle life and don’t feel like you are doing a very good job of it, I have some very simple ideas to make family time FUN again.

10 Ways to Enjoy Your Family this Summer @dapperhouse

These 10 ideas don’t require a lot of money or creativity. Just click the links and then get inspired to do something FUN together as a family. Whether you decide to raid the recycle bin and make some toy trucks, build an Angry Bird fort or get your crafty side on and paint some rocks for tic-tac-toe, there’s something for everyone. I’ve even got a post here to remind you that just sitting down to dinner can be a special occasion.

So get out of your rut and do something to make some memories! Paint on your hands and make an apron to capture the kids little fingers or go take a hike through the closest wildlife refuge.

No matter what you do this weekend, just do it together as a family; because those are the most important people in the world!

Family Reunion Jeopardy Game

Why Family Meals are Important

Pet Rock Tic Tac Toe

Ideas for Families to Spend Time Together Round Up Post @dapperhouse

DIY Handprint Apron

6 Tips for Hiking with Kids

Summer Fun: C is for Camping

Create a Personalized Herb Garden in a Pot


Make Chalk City Indoors

Play a Classic Board Game

Geocaching with Kids

What are you going to do this week to make family time FUN?

I’d love to hear!