Sometimes we can’t get a thorough understanding of how our child is progressing until we see them in the classroom or how they are doing in comparison to their classmates. There comes a time around the age of six or seven when they come into their own, and as parents, we naturally want our children to tackle schoolwork effortlessly and be good at it. But what happens if the school work is not up to code in comparison to those the same age? Here are some things to look at.

They Are a “Late Bloomer”

Around middle school age, they can become distracted by a number of changes, and it’s at this point where they may require a bit more guidance to focus on their work. It can be very common to see a child be a late bloomer for a number of reasons, and if you are concerned about them, sometimes it can be as simple as ensuring that there is more structure in their lives. It’s harder than ever for children up to the age of 10 to feel like they can get a handle on something. But rather than thinking that they are a late bloomer and they will catch up eventually, we’ve got to prioritize the importance of structure and ensuring that they are doing the things that will help keep them engaged in school. Regular homework or even extracurricular activities that stimulate their confidence, like martial arts, can do a lot to improve their abilities in the classroom too.

They Don’t Learn the Same Way as Most People

School is tough for many kids, especially those of a certain age who went undiagnosed as dyslexic or ADHD. Additionally, many children weren’t able to learn effectively because they didn’t understand their learning style. This is critical to everybody’s ability to engage with academic materials or just in daily life. There are different types of learning styles, and your child could benefit from taking the VARK questionnaire to understand how they learn best.

Do They Have an Undiagnosed Condition? 

We can’t always rely on teachers to pick up on certain cues that they may have dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, dyscalculia, or even a form of autism, and if we can ensure that our children are tested for these, even if the school is not so forthcoming, this can provide a lot of answers. Some children go completely under the radar when it comes to these conditions, and therefore, if we start to notice our children are unique or operating differently from most other children in their class, it might be worth progressing down this route so you can give them greater resources and support, rather than thinking that they are just falling behind.

Think About the Bigger Picture

If you are concerned that your children are making the right choices in life and they are struggling in school, as difficult as it can be for us to come to terms with the fact that they are not necessarily academically minded we can all benefit from understanding the bigger picture and realizing that academic success is not something that suited to everyone. In fact, it doesn’t have to be essential to get ahead in life! This is something that, as parents, we may have to come to terms with more than our kids.