Women are globally recognized as very successful when it comes to applying sustainable solutions in energy, climate change, and environmental protection. It happens very often that, though equally capable, educated, and skilled, some women are not doing enough to stop or even slow down the Earth’s pollution. These tips are for women that want to have an environmentally friendly life, and we encourage you to start considering them in order to reduce planet Earth’s damage.

Use eco-friendly beauty products

A newer focus in our sustainable living challenge is to create a routine in personal care at home that means no waste. In order to achieve that, it is necessary to switch to sustainable products for personal hygiene and beautification. Conventional hygiene products contain a lot of plastic and waste, not to mention toxic ingredients. For most of us, disposable products continue to intertwine with our daily routines – despite our best efforts to buy more sustainably. If you have already replaced paper towels with biodegradable and cotton cloths, and use canvas bags instead of plastic bags, the next step is to make a smart choice of your basic personal hygiene items and sustainable makeup brands. We reckon that you may want to take some measures to make your beauty routine sustainable and ecological. 


We constantly hear about the need to eat properly, exercise properly, sleep properly in order to finally live healthier and better. But out of so many “rules”, despite often coming from credible and influential examples, we don’t know how to behave. To be more eco-friendly, make sure you include a plant-based diet, you don’t have to cut off meat entirely, just make sure you cut down on meat consumption. That’s not so hard today when vegan, gluten-free, food is available. Keep an eye on the packaging, don’t use plastic but instead find an alternative such as canned or unpacked food.

Use eco-friendly feminine hygiene products

Single Use, unrecyclable hygiene items used by women are a big contributor to waste, but it looks like this will soon be put to an end. Every year, there is more and more talk about a sustainable lifestyle that is becoming more and more involved in fashion, nutrition, and now hygiene. Although we are often not even aware of it, some of the things we use on a daily basis generate a very large amount of waste. Yes, we have been aware of plastic for a long time, but it often does not occur to us that tampons and pads make over 100 billion pieces of waste a year because they also contain it. That is why we are in constant need to find alternatives to these products. For those women who aren’t ready to try it or just don’t like it, and want to take care of the environment, other solutions are finally starting to be created. An example of this is some companies that have started producing biodegradable tampons and pads.

Learn how to recycle

Women are more willing to change their recycling habits. This claim is supported by many types of research and case studies. Surveys show that as many as 77 percent of women answered positively to the question of whether they are ready to change their habits, and 55 percent expressed a desire to encourage others to adopt positive daily practices. Recycling is gaining in importance, but also in necessity. Make sure to understand its importance and recycle, even at home. Plastic packaging makes up a quarter of the waste in our households, while among the packaging, disposable plastic bottles that we all use every day are the most common. Also, make sure to talk to your family about it so you can change your habits together.

Photo Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/L3lznpRPZbI