I have been doing some posts and creative thinking about what to do inside when it is too cold or yucky to go outside. Like Sunday, January 13th we woke to everything under a thick sheet of ice…Everything! This was a perfect day to stay inside and so we relived a day from after Christmas when we played Real Life Angry Birds. To play you will need lots of little stuffed animals, some to use as the “pigs” to set on the buildings and lots to throw; to use as the “birds”. You need many boxes and lightweight containers of assorted sizes and shapes.. You can use some lightweight pieces of cardboard and books for the “boards”. The following photos show my son and friends a few days after Christmas playing their version of Real Life Angry Birds. 
(stacking the boxes)

(using stuffed animals as the “pigs”)

(another version after knocking the last one down)
and another. . . 

WOO HOO! They got them again! 
Here is one last building to conquer!  And . . . 


To make this game more realistic for a party or for just for FUN you could paint or wrap the boxes in bright colors to cover the writing and pictures on the boxes. You could paint empty milk jugs with the faces of the green pigs to set here and there among the towers. You could buy the round and sturdy licensed Angry Bird plush/stuffed animals to throw at the towers and pigs!  It would be endless FUN!

Kids are creative and imaginative. Give them a box and they can have endless fun. Yesterday at the school where I work we had “Young Inventors Day” where we set out large recyclables and let the kids do what they would with the supplies. We extended the time for this activity because the children were having so much fun with the boxes! Here is another great article to read called Fun In A Box with some more great ideas for your children and simple boxes.

Need some boxes? I know that Target stores will give you some boxes if you call first thing in the morning before they are flattened for recycling. You could try other stores near you too!

! Have a Fabulous Day ! – Jenny at Dapperhouse