Seashell Crab Craft Instructions 

You are going to LOVE doing this cool sea shell crab craft with your little ones. Especially if you are putting together a crab learning unit or need a fun indoor activity to do with your old vacation seashells. If you do this craft I would love to see your results! Please tag me on instagram @jennyatdapperhouse .


  • Clean Shell 
  • Red paint
  • Paint brush
  • 3 red pipe cleaners
  • Pair of googly eyes
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun & glue sticks


Step 1. Paint your clean and dry shell any shade of red. Let dry thoroughly.

Step 2. Take two pipe cleaners and bend them in half. Then, bend them in half again. Unfold and cut on the bends so that you have a total of 8 uniformly sized pieces. These will be the legs of the crab. 

Step 3. Take the remaining pipe cleaner and cut it in half. These two pieces will be the claws. Bend one end of each pipe cleaner  into the shape of a claw. 

Step 4. Lay out your shell, legs, and claws choosing where each one will go. Keep in mind that there are four legs on each side and the claws on either side of the front. 

Step 5. Trim the pipe cleaners to fit the size of your shell. (Or you can wait until the pipe cleaners are attached to do this step.) 

Step 6. Use the hot glue gun to attach the pieces to the shell. 

Step 7. Use hot glue to attach the eyes. 

Step 8. Bend and shape the legs and claws. 

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