Today there are many eco-friendly materials made that are used in interior decorating. Five of the most popular products are bamboo, cork, reclaimed wood, metal, and insulations. Using these materials creates a healthier environment for people and pets.
Cork and Its Uses
Cork is a flexible material and comes from trees. It is a strong material that is hard to damage. It is used to make floor tiles, and it absorbs noise. It is used is for insulation sheets. Often, it is used for subflooring and when left untreated, the material is resistant to fire. When used for insulation, it retains heat.
It does not absorb water or rot making it ideal for the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry floors. It is less costly to ship because it is lightweight. Cork is resistant to bugs and provides a cushion under the feet when walking on it.
Bamboo is known as grass and is one of the most sustainable materials in the world. It is grown around the world. Bamboo is very strong and is often used for flooring and cabinets. It must be treated to become resistant to moisture and rot. It is easy to clean and has to be swept or vacuumed. It can be sanded to improve its appearance.
Mattresses Foundations of Wood or Metal
Mattress foundations improve support, add height to the mattress, and increase the airflow. It keeps the mattress from sliding around and sagging. Mattresses should go on a frame, not the floor, made of wood or metal. It helps your mattresses to last years longer. It will add several inches of height to the mattress, thus making it easier to get out of bed in the morning. Foundations keep the bed clean as the floor is dirty and not a place to put the mattresses. It can collect dust, bugs, and mites when left lying on the floor.

Often, a mattress foundation is a solid frame made of metal or wood designed to support your mattress. Wood frames wear out more quickly and sag. Metal frames are more durable and last longer.
Reclaimed Wood and Metal
Reclaimed wood can be used for cabinets, trim, floors, and siding. Many kinds of wood are strong with a beauty all their own. It is eco-friendly and can be treated and sanded to last for many years. Wood cabinets look good in all styles of homes. Wood has more strength and durability. It has more character that comes with aging well.
It saves natural resources and uses less paint and stains. Reclaimed metals are using less metal to make new products saving valuable resources like steel and aluminum. It saves on extracting and manufacturing the metal. It lasts for many years and does not need fixing and replacing. It is often used for sculpture, stairs, pots and pans, bookcases, benches, trim, bed foundations, furnishing, and light fixtures.
While trying to decorate, it pays to try to cut household spending and learn to stick within your budget. This often means looking at impulse buying and brand loyalty.
Insulations Types
Today we have several choices of insulation that are better choices than fiberglass. Some insulation is known to cause health problems for consumers. Some of the better choices are wool, cotton, thermacork, cellulose, and denim. These alternatives are healthier choices for today’s consumer.
Wool from sheep is resistant to flames and keeps your home warm saving you money on fuel. They have designed ways to use this as insulation in home construction. Outer layers are resistant to water and keep the home warm during the cold months and cool in the warmer months.

Cotton and denim are now used to insulate your home. It is a natural and eco-friendly material. Jean slats are similar to fiberglass but more healthy. Cotton is treated with a solution so that it is resistant to flames. Cotton resists insects but is more expensive than many materials.
Thermacork is made from the outer bark of oak trees. It has an almost zero carbon footprint. It blocks out noises and emits no toxins. It is a very useful insulation to use. Cellulose is another material that is a healthy insulation. It is made from recycled newsprint and other paper. Recycled material helps to provide a healthier environment in the home.