We are women who are ambitious and determined in all things including our personal style, fashion and beauty. How long has it been since you tried out a new lip color or a new style that is out of your comfort zone? If you are like me (and many of us) we see things that we think look amazing and fab on others, but when we go to look at that same style in the store, we tell ourselves that it just doesn’t work on us and we default back to what is comfortable. The truth is that every style won’t fit our personality, body style or hair cut, for that matter. It is also a truth that we can add little things a little at a time to expand our repertoire without showing up in an outfit that will cause our colleagues and friends to pick their jaws up off the floor.
The trend of layering socks over tights and of wearing socks with regular shoes and heels was SO ADORABLE to me when it first came out. I assessed my wardrobe and found plenty of fashionable opportunities, but when I assessed myself, I told myself that I was too old to pull it off and I let it die. (I even did a post in 2011 about how much I loved the look, but never followed through. We are supposed to be ambitious and determined right? I am finding more of that internal courage as I age!)
Now this trend is much more mainstream and not a fashion risk. Not only that, just because the models in print ads are barely 17 years old doesn’t mean they are the only ones who can wear them. We can all have a chance to join in the fashionable fun!
Here are some pics of the style in recent photo shoots.
Here are some pics of how I have not only embraced it but how I am celebrating the fashion trend I have been idolizing for years!All these looks make work and casual dressing so much fun!
Here are some of my hand picked choices for shoes, socks and tights to get the look and they are from one of the most stylish and trusted sites in fashion, Mod Cloth.
Are you going to give this style trend a try?