Change is not only unavoidable, but it is also necessary. More often than not, businesses that fail to adjust to market trends and embrace new ideas, techniques, and processes are better equipped to survive in the long term. The list of companies that have had to shut down or shrink because they were not able to change contains a handful of famous names, such as Blockbuster, Blackberry, and Kodak. 

Yet, embracing change is tough, even though it is necessary. Fear of change can dictate counterintuitive decisions and behaviors. According to psychologists, fear of change is normal as the brain is wired to preferred known structures. It can lead to crippling anxiety and self-doubt, which can result in resistance to change. So, if you identify a need for change in your business, you need to make sure you are equipped to support your team and offer the guidance they need. 

Hiring experts for the job

When change requires exploring new areas that are outside of your expertise, most entrepreneurs decide to seek professional support. A business consultant, for instance, can help you determine the best path to implement change successfully. They are instrumental in managing financial and strategic input when it comes to processing change. 

Change also means your team could feel overwhelmed with new and unusual tasks. Typically, change drives team restructuration. But it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You can find ways to support your team by outsourcing or hiring new talent while your team retrains. 

Communicate and lead the change

Why do most people feel negative about change in the business? Clear communication can be an important factor in gaining your team’s approval. When the company decides on change without involving the team, employees can feel left out. Change requires a change leader who can train, mentor, and coach people through the process of renewing the organization. If you are considering supporting your team and providing reassurance, you may find these online masters in leadership and change management helpful. The online feature allows you to learn at your own pace, so you can still be available for your employees. More importantly, you will learn how to communicate change effectively to earn your team’s trust. 

Prioritize mental health

Fear of change is never a conscious choice. It is a reaction controlled by the fear of the unknown, the fear of failure, and the fear of being left out. Let’s make it clear that employees resistant to change are not necessarily able to see evidence-based facts. Change may be indispensable to the survival of the business, but fear blinds them. Therefore, if you are undergoing a period of change, you might want to consider supportive mental health strategies, such as:

  • keeping an open door policy
  • signing up for an online therapy service
  • providing consulting hours on-site with a licensed therapist
  • reducing workload and pressure during the period
  • offering flexible work arrangements
  • asking people how they are
  • etc. 

Regardless of which business transformation strategy you follow, every change can be an insurmountable issue bringing resistance in the team. Embracing change is a teamwork effort that requires careful team management. Prioritize your team throughout the process with professional consulting, leadership communication, and mental health support. 

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